Why did Ken Shoulders name the EVO an exotic vacuum object...because that
is exactly what it is.

The LHC found that the Higgs field (aka vacuum) is set on the finest of

Calculations show that if the mass of the Higgs boson were just a few times
heavier and everything else stayed the same, protons could no longer
assemble into atoms, and there would be no complex structures—no stars or
living beings. So, what if our universe really is as accidentally
fine-tuned as a pencil balanced on its tip, singled out as our cosmic
address from an inconceivably vast array of bubble universes inside an
eternally frothing “multiverse” sea simply because life requires such an
outrageous accident to exist?

The Higgs field is set exactly on its tipping point, just like if water was
set at its triple point

If the strength of the Higgs field is increased or decreased by the
slightest amount then there would be a change of state that would occur in
the vacuum. For example, if water is moved off its triple point in the
slightest way, it would begin to transform into a vapor, or a liquid, or

In like manner to what happens in a change in state of water, If the
strength of the vacuum changes in the slightest, than atoms would not
exist, neither would electrons or protons; all matter would resolve down to
pure energy.

There are processes that exist in nature in electromagnetic and particle
interactions and in chemistry that create a tightly confined bubble of the
Higgs field whose strength is different from that finely tuned value that
keeps our universe from falling apart. This is what an EVO is, a rouge
perturbative bubble of the vacuum.

The EVO can begin its existence as an nanoscopic object, but its effect on
matter is still potent. As it grows in size into the macroscopic, its
vacuum state may change, but its effect on matter remains the same, when
the EVO reaches a macroscopic size, its effects on matter remain constant
throughout its lifecycle. What matters is that the vacuum state confined
inside the EVO is different than the value of the vacuum throughout the
rest of the universe.

Whatever matter that this bubble of the vacuum contacts will dissociate and
dissolve into energy. When the true Higgs field is restored, then matter
will assemble into its usual state of protons, electrons, and atoms just
like this formation of matter happened soon after the big bang occured when
the Higgs field assumed its current strength.

This is how and why transmutation occurs in LENR...matter to energy and
then back to matter.

Inside that EVO with its own vacuum state, there exists another universe
where life and matter cannot survive. Does space-time even exist inside the
EVO? Where does matter go when it comes in contact with the EVO? Can energy
leak out of the EVO? Who will run the experiments to answer these questions?

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