Additional evidence that Elon must be an “alien” of a sort … raising the 
question of whether a direct connection to a source of superior intelligence is 
possible for more humans than just the one. One > Neo > Elon ?

Whatever skills Elon Musk shows us  are not individually unique and he has 
limitations - so a valid suspicion is that he found a more efficient way to 
access truth and avoid failure. But Elon is not religious in the standard 
sense, and the only detail that makes him not an atheist, is that the SIM 
itself will have features of divinity. At any rate Elon subscribes to a version 
of the Simulation Hypothesis. 

This is a belief that blossomed following  the “Matrix” films, where work-a-day 
reality is exposed as an illusion and everything we see as real are simulations 
in a universal computer program. 

But, not to be outdone by techno-speak,  others will label the computer itself 
as the mind of God. This could become a circular argument at many levels of 
abstraction - but Musk is so convinced that the SIM theory is accurate that 
he’s been quoted: “There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base 

Well … the devil is in the details, as but it’s hard to ague with Neo, err… 

I just wish I could remember the master password for an upgrade and full reboot.

Elon Musk outlines SpaceX’s Starship plans… 

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