US is ruled by a plutocratic mafia that lost any understanding for sustainable business & infra structure.

Even in California the mafia successfully prevented the construction of sustainable environmental friendly infra structure - the fast train between LA and San Francisco.

I recommend to read about the decline of Rome as a center of power.

If LENR fails to deliver cheap energy the US will decompose within 20 years.


Am 15.11.19 um 21:15 schrieb Frank Znidarsic:
The United Mine Workers has declaired bankrupsy.  This will result in a lose of pensions and hospitlization for many reitred workers in PA and WVa.  I am beginning to feel the scope of this event in Western PA.  It's another blow after the collapse of our steel and other manufacturing industries.

I have read about the decline of the West and the rise of China.  I am not sure if the West is declining or if only the East is rising.  Western govennments were amazed that inovation could take place so swiftly within a communist system; but it clearly is. With the present political termoil within the US political system, and the fast rise of China, perhaps western systems are not as good as they are preported to be.  I see decline here in Western Pa.  China seems to have taken the lead on climate change and energy innovation.

I am not sure how all of this will turn out.

Frank Z

Jürg Wyttenbach
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