On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 8:06 PM Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> When one researches the many cross-connections embedded in the evolving
> Maxwell/Tesla storage tech

Ultracaps and batteries can be complementary technologies also.  UCs are
used in hydrogen fuel cell powered cars because fuel cells don't throttle
like your foot demands on the accelerator and brake pedals.  The UCs allow
rapid transients to accommodate that "heavy foot".  :)

With batteries, UCs can have a similar use since the battery is a chemical
reaction over time.  The life of the battery can be extended if you don't
jolt it by using UCs to taper those demands.


Unfortunately, the most powerful companies on the planet as of today have
> their wealth at stake and will fight and legislate against this technology
> till the bitter end.

I had the pleasure of seeing this happen in the 80's with AT&T during my
employment with US Sprint.  At first, they fought the competition when MCI
came into being.  Then they fought against single-mode fiber tech until USS
turned on the nation-wide network.  AT&T took a $4B write-off in the late
80's when they dumped their analog microwave network.

An amusing anecdote:  US Sprint also had microwave networks and filmed a
commercial blowing up one of their own towers.  Unfortunately, in a failure
to communicate <g>, that particular tower was carrying traffic still.

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