Unluckily the earth is not flat even in the curved sense as it is an ellipsoid with at least a delta north-south/east-west in radius of about 10km.

Even more unluckily gravitation is not a constant it slightly depends on the density of matter. And last but not least gravity is a force and not just a curvature of space. From a mathematical point of view there is no difference between the two views as long as you do not believe that the gravity force is of purely central nature. The idea of curvature emerged because physicist had no clue why a photon could be attracted by a mass. But all EM-mass interact with other EM mass what leads to the other erroneous picture of virtual particle background. I you once understand why/how all mass is EM-mass, then you also will understand all mistakes of 100 year physics.


PS: Who will construct this perfect cannon that is able to do a shot exactly along the horizon line? Not Boing...

Am 22.01.20 um 22:46 schrieb H LV:

On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 12:21 PM H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com <mailto:hveeder...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 10:15 AM H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com
    <mailto:hveeder...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        This is an illustration from Newton's Principia of his famous
        cannon thought experiment. It shows how a cannonball fired
        horizontally from a mountain top (assuming no air resistance)
        will orbit the Earth without falling to the ground if it is
        fired with sufficient speed.

        Now imagine an ice covered planet which is perfectly smooth,
        with no mountains or valleys. On the surface rests a curling
        stone of a given _weight_. If the curling stone is propelled
        horizontally with sufficient speed it will orbit the planet
        while sliding over the surface. At this velocity it will be in
        free fall so its weight will be effectively zero. The question
        is does the weight of the curling stone gradually increase as
        the horizontal velocity gradually decreases or does the
        curling stone resume its full weight for any velocity less
        than the orbital velocity?


    To answer my own question... the classical prediction is the
    weight of the stone should increase, because the centrifugal force
    is decreasing in the frame of reference of the stone. However, if
    gravity in General Relativity is not a force then a corresponding
    a centrifugal force does not arise. Therefore, if GR is true, the
    weight of the stone should jump to its full weight for any value
    less than the orbital speed. (Actually I think there is argument
    to be made that even Newtonian gravity is not a force and is just
    an acceleration).

Just a follow up. Since a body sitting at the equator is moving faster than the same body near the pole it should weigh less due to the greater centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation. Until  recently I don't think anyone had tried to measure this predicted effect and it was just taken for granted to be true. (There have been tests on the equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass but this is a different test). However arguments between Flat-Earthers and Anti-Flat earthers have resulted in amateur empirical investigations of the matter. Flat Earther's contend the weight should be constant since they hold the earth is flat and does not rotate.  The results so far seem to be open to interpretation. I am not a Flat- Earther but it is interersting how this fringe community has turned it into an empirical question.


Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

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