SO(4) physics has now a complete model for 4-He, 3-He too.

It will completely change our understanding of dense matter as 4-He structurally contains only 4 protons. The model is exact down to 1eV and 100% matches the already known proton, Neutron and Deuterium structure.

Thus, from now on, any paper based on classical QED/LQCD reasoning promoting funny particles like quarks is not even educated nonsense, it's just gobley-gock as once Peter Ekström termed text containing inconclusive mathematical formula and word salad...


Am 05.03.20 um 16:25 schrieb Jones Beene:
New candidate for dark matter - a particle with 6 quarks

Six quarks as a unit ...

hmm... essentially a deuterium molecule has six quarks, not to mention Wyttenbach's theory proposes 6 dimensions.

Probably not related but is it possible that a breakthrough in understanding is on the horizon?

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

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