Letter from Shanghai about Coronavirus
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MARCH 2020  HITS: 11138






Coronavirus update from Shanghai, China:

I’m splitting at the seams.

When news first started coming out about the Coronavirus in China, it
wasn’t just numbers. The virus was reported to us as the horror stories
were happening. Not a warning, not a “precautionary” article on “what to do
if things go bad”. In less than 48 hours my life went from completely
normal to being afraid to open my front door. I’d like to pause here and
actually have you imagine what it’d be like to be that afraid.

Please note that this was not a “scare tactic”, it was the reality of the
Coronavirus playing out right in front of our eyes. We had no time to
doubt, to consider the politics, and we didn’t have information at the time
for what safety measures to take. We just knew that there was a new disease
with no cure and more and more people were dying every single day.

What should’ve been the most festive time of the year became a nightmare no
one could wake from. No one could believe things were getting so severe,
and escalating so quickly.

And I wasn’t even in WuHan.

Stories of entire families being wiped out, stories of people actually
starving to death due to home quarantine, stories of people committing
suicide because hospitals had no room for them and they’d rather die than
infect their loved ones, these stories aren’t being told by the media. We
don’t hear the stories of people lining up for 8+ hours outside hospitals
only to become too weak to stand in line any longer and went home to die,
to infect their loved ones and their families who ALSO died without medical
care, and couldn’t even end up being part of a statistic. Fear-driven
animal abuse. Suicide photos. People chasing after ambulances with no
chance to say goodbye to their deceased loved ones as they went to be
incinerated. Xenophobic judgments and racist responses. All on top of the
basic hell that an epidemic brings. THIS IS OUR EVERYDAY.

SO. When I see articles about how the “Coronavirus is nothing to worry
about”, how it “isn’t as dangerous as the flu”, how “America only has one
death so clearly the virus isn’t deadly”, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HURT. I
hurt for the people that have no family left. I hurt for all of the medical
professionals who are putting aside their entire lives to save as many
people as they can. I hurt for the people that never got a chance to get
diagnosed. I hurt for those who have died in vain.

Because I filter my updates so they cause the least amount of Chinese
racism possible while stating the reality of how terrifying things have
been here. Because I have the choice to come back to the states “as an
American” at the cost of abandoning my loved ones and my people behind.
Because the Chinese people are just as much my people as are Americans, yet
I’ve always been told to choose which I’m more loyal to. China is under
reporting statistics in order to curb panic, and that is an ethical issue
in itself, but it should also show us that things are worse than the media
is making it out to be, otherwise they wouldn’t feel the need to do that in
the first place. BOTH countries are guilty of misinformation and
shortcomings in the face of this epidemic, but a cyclical game of who’s
worse won’t get us anywhere.

I read the tragedies of the virus in China by day, and with the time
difference, catch the American news by night. The contrast is appalling.
This virus isn’t going to bring forth the apocalypse, or the end of the
world, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t something that also deserves our
attention. It has spread over the globe in a matter of two months, and we
shouldn’t underestimate its destructive power.

As for the many comparing it to the flu, no one is saying the flu isn’t
dangerous too. But the dangers associated with the flu do not negate the
dangers of the Coronavirus, either. We have protocols and treatment plans
in place for the flu, we have consistent information about the flu over
years of testing and statistics. Meanwhile, the Coronavirus is infecting
thousands while we are still trying to figure out what it even is, how to
fight it, and how to prevent it.

So, I don’t care about whether the US is trying to “scare you into buying
hand sanitizer”, and I’ll even stand with you against the fear-mongers and
clickbait articles. But have some respect and realize how lucky you are
that you even HAVE this kind of warning.

Be safe, everyone.
Stay calm, but aware.

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 12:50, Blaze Spinnaker <blazespinna...@gmail.com>

> Good news, finally!   pretty low mortality rate in South Korea.
> Perhaps very aggressive testing is just the thing we need.  Lots of drive
> through testing throughout the country would be great.   Catch it early,
> make people aware of their status.   Get them to self isolate. It's pretty
> noninvasive as well from I can tell, just swam swabbing.
> https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/coronavirus-testing-blitz-appears-to-keep-south-korea-death-rate-low
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 2:22 PM Jonathan Berry <aethe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Who thinks the US WANTS the Coronavirus (Covid19 just sounds clunky) to
>> get bad?
>> Though Jed has spoken well about the baffling ignorance politicians have
>> with respect to science...
>> Still, I have heard so many times about how the US makes faulty tests,
>> isn't testing people, only a few states can test, false negatives...
>> This is rife for that Archer meme, "Do you want X, Because this is how
>> you get X".
>> level 4
>> CollegeSuperSenior <https://www.reddit.com/user/CollegeSuperSenior/>
>> 615 points·2 hours ago
>> <https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/fdyxpu/italy_says_its_had_41_new_covid19_deaths_in_just/fjl3679/>
>> No joke. I work in US healthcare and have helped patients who have
>> traveled to infected countries and are showing symptoms but we have not
>> done any testing for covid-19. I am starting to get a terrible cough myself
>> but I wont be tested and will not be allowed to take any sick leave unless
>> I am dying and 100% unable to make it to work.
>> This means the US is looking at a massive outbreak which won't be
>> killing at the nominal mortality rate, but at a rate closer to the serious
>> rate that requires hospitalization, but where there isn't real possibility
>> of that.
>> Basically, Iran is a look at the future for the US.
>> On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 09:15, <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:
>>> In reply to  Terry Blanton's message of Thu, 5 Mar 2020 14:44:46 -0500:
>>> Hi,
>>> [snip]
>>> >$2.4T World GDP loss?  Hah!  The stockmarket lost $6T last week alone.
>>> BTW stock market losses don't really count, because there is a winner
>>> for every loser. The net impact is small. GDP
>>> losses OTOH imply a loss of production. That is a real loss, though what
>>> remains will be spread over less people, so the
>>> net effect per head of population may not be too severe.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/stock-market-selloff-impact-americans-3-charts-not-immediate-impact-2020-2-1028952948
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 11:06 AM Frank Znidarsic <fznidar...@aol.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> https://www.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-spreads-one-study-predicts-101552222.html
>>> >>
>>> Regards,
>>> Robin van Spaandonk
>>> local asymmetry = temporary success

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