Another possible contender...

Here’s a promising candidate herb that prevents malaria and tuberculosis

In the world of natural medicine, there are already powerful, well-known
treatments against malaria that also happen to prevent tuberculosis, an
aggressive infection of the respiratory tract. While nothing is yet proven
to treat coronavirus, our review of herbal medicine studies and medicinal
phytochemicals leads us to the conclusion that this Chinese Medicine herb
may one day become known as the “natural cure” for coronavirus (although
clinical trials are needed, obviously, to prove this).

The chemical is called *artemesinin*, and the herb is known as *sweet
wormwood*. And no, we don’t sell it. This isn’t a commercial promotion,
it’s an effort to help save millions of lives using medicine that’s
available right now, all around the world.

Artemesinin is known for its ability to block the bacterial strain that
causes tuberculosis, known as *Mycobacterium tuberculosis*. That doesn’t
mean it prevents coronavirus, which is a viral infection, but it’s a strong
candidate for a number of logical reasons.

According to research published in the journal *Phytomedicine*, artemisinin
/ sweet wormwood has a “100% cure rate” for treating drug-resistant
malaria, at least in a small trial involving 18 patients (all of whom were
cured). As writes in this important story

*A study led by Pamela Weathers, a professor of biology and biotechnology
at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), published in the journal
Phytomedicine, describes how the Artemisia annua plant, commonly known as
sweet wormwood or sweet annie, saved 18 patients with drug-resistant
malaria from the brink of death.*

*The Congolese patients, who ranged in age from 14 months to 60 years, had
all developed severe, untreatable malaria, with symptoms ranging from loss
of consciousness, to trouble breathing and convulsions, among others. When
they failed to respond to intravenous treatment with an ACT, compassionate
doctors decided to try the dried leaves of the Artemisia annua plant as a
last resort. After only five days of the treatment, all 18 patients were
fully recovered, including one child who had been in a coma. Blood tests
revealed that absolutely no parasites remained in their blood.*

That study was published in *Phytomedicine*, and the full study is
available at this link on
<> The
title of the study is, “Artemisia annua dried leaf tablets treated malaria
resistant to ACT and i.v. artesunate: Case reports.”

There’s even more scientific evidence to back this up. Natural News covered
another story about sweet wormwood herb in 2017, entitled, “Chinese
medicine herb discovered to prevent tuberculosis infections
The story cites a study published in *Nature Chemical Biology*
<> in 2011.

Here’s part of that story:
Chinese medicine herb discovered to prevent tuberculosis infections

A recent study reveals that artemisinin, a compound found in sweet
wormwood, shows potential in tuberculosis treatment. This Chinese herbal
medicine is previously known for its efficacy in treating malaria.
Researchers at the Michigan State University have discovered that the
compound prevents Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a tuberculosis-causing
bacteria, from becoming dormant. Dormancy was associated with antibiotic
resistance in patients.

Lead researcher Dr. Robert Abramovitch explains that dormant bacteria
become highly tolerant to antibiotic therapy. Inhibiting dormancy makes the
tuberculosis bacteria more susceptible to drug treatments and shortens
treatment duration.  To test this, researchers engineered a tuberculosis
strain that glows bright green upon the onset of dormancy. A vast number of
compounds were then assessed to see if they could prevent the bacteria from
becoming dormant.

According to the researchers, Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mtb requires
oxygen to thrive. Artemisinin is shown to inhibit the molecule called heme
found in the bacterium’s oxygen sensor, which in turn disrupts the Mtb from
sensing its deteriorating oxygen levels. “When the Mtb is starved of
oxygen, it goes into a dormant state, which protects it from the stress of
low-oxygen environments. If Mtb can’t sense low oxygen, then it can’t
become dormant and will die,” Dr. Abramovitch says. The researchers have
also identified five other compounds that may potentially replicate a
similar effect on the bacterium.

A 2011 study also supports artemisinin’s anti-tuberculosis potential.
Researchers said using the compound as a conjugation factor induces a
selective antagonistic effect against multi- and extensively drug-resistant
strains of Mtb. The findings are published in the Journal of the American
Chemical Society.

More published studies and papers discuss artemisinin as a complementary
treatment against malaria or tuberculosis

The author of the paper mentioned above, Robert Abramovitch, is also a
co-author of a 2016 paper, published in *Nature Chemical Biology*, which
explores the ability of artemesinin to treat tuberculosis, a respiratory
illness. This paper is entitled, “Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
DosRST signaling and persistence
<>.” It says: (bolding added)

*The Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) DosRST two-component regulatory
system promotes the survival of Mtb during non-replicating persistence
(NRP)… The screen discovered novel inhibitors of the DosRST regulon,
including three compounds that were subject to follow-up studies:
artemisinin, HC102A and HC103A. Under hypoxia, all three compounds inhibit
Mtb-persistence-associated physiological processes, including
triacylglycerol synthesis, survival and antibiotic tolerance. Artemisinin
functions by disabling the heme-based DosS and DosT sensor kinases by
oxidizing ferrous heme and generating heme–artemisinin adducts.*

In addition, the journal *Nature Reviews Microbiology* also discusses the
use of artemisinin as a therapy against malaria. In this article
<> by Richard. T. Eastman and
David A. Fidock, it’s explained that artemisinin is now used across the
world because malaria has become resistant to the prescription drugs
chloroquine and sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine. From their summary:

*Drug resistance, however, remains the biggest threat to current drug
efficacy. The former mainstays of antimalarial chemotherapy, chloroquine
and sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine, have been rendered ineffective for the
treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria by the emergence and spread of
drug-resistant parasites.*

*Almost all malaria-endemic regions have switched to artemisinin
(ART)-based combination therapies (ACTs) for the first-line treatment of P.
falciparum malaria.*

The term “ACTs” means artemisinin-based combination therapies.
We caution that artemesinin is not proven to treat or cure coronavirus, but
so far, nothing else is either

The upshot of all this is that artemisinin is a promising candidate that
might one day be known as the “natural cure” for coronavirus. However,
since nearly every government and science body in the world is run by Big
Pharma and the vaccine industry, it’s almost certain that *this herb will
never be tested against coronavirus*. The natural cures are, of course,
systematically suppressed.

Fortunately, this herb is widely available right now, and it works with a
very high margin of safety, efficacy and affordability. That’s precisely
why the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know about it, of
course: There’s not much money to be made in affordable natural cures.

Yet this is how we can best serve humanity: Find the natural cures that
exist right now, test them and disseminate the information as widely as
possible. But Big Tech <> is making sure that all
voices that promote natural cures are censored, thereby protecting Big
Pharma’s profit interests. The DOJ has even announced it’s going to conduct
criminal investigations into “false cures” being promoted for the
coronavirus, which of course means they will specifically target anyone
selling herbs, colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide and so on.

It’s all a grand racket to keep the people isolated from real knowledge
while protecting the profits of the corrupt pharmaceutical industry that
already kills 200,000+ Americans a year. In fact, so far this year, *Big
Pharma has killed far more people than the coronavirus*, at least for the

While I can’t tell you what to do with your own personal health strategy, I
encourage you to *discuss artemisinin with your naturopathic physician* to
determine if it’s a good fit. Personally, I’m stocking up on this herb and
will start taking a preventive dose immediately. Should I begin to show any
symptoms of respiratory distress or fever, I’ll up my daily dose of this
along with a wide assortment of other vitamins, herbs, minerals and
superfoods that might also be effective.

Rest assured, the corrupt establishment will make sure that sweet wormwood
never gets tested against the coronavirus. That’s how they can say, in
perpetuity, there’s “no evidence” that it works. There’s no evidence
because they refuse to test it, just like the CDC managed to claim
coronavirus infections were “low” in America because they deliberately
botched the testing kits.

It’s amazing what the corrupt establishment can achieve by *avoiding* testing
the things they don’t want to test, isn’t it?

On Wed, 18 Mar 2020 at 07:47, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Ron Kita wrote:
> Greetings Vortex members,
> Below is from the NIH PubMed-
> -------------------------------
> As a practical matter of going to the next level - here is a supplement
> from Amazon which is recommended as a broad range anti-viral and is similar
> to the above.
> Curiously - the Wuhan medical reports on effective treatments in hospitals
> (and given there is no cure) - which were collected and evaluated from
> papers in the last two weeks, indicate that "traditional medicine" (herbal
> concoctions) provide a significantly higher survival rate than was expected
> - and a key ingredient in the ones which were tested appears to be *licorice
> *- which has been used for 5000 years in traditional medicine. The
> tablets above contain a small amount of licorice.
> At a few cents per tablet - there is little downside risk to taking these
> even with no symptoms. The risk of doing nothing is high and let's face it
> - China has indeed made a startling turn-around in controlling the spread.
> Everyone though it would be much worse there than it has turned out to be
> and a part of that success could be overlooked by Big-Pharma here. They
> simple cannot profit when the competition is natural.
> The difference between the poorer statistical results in Italy
> (considering the lower population) when compared to China, could related to
> the lack of the same faith in traditional medicine (other than garlic). I
> hope these results from China are not overlooked and denigrated by the
> medical profession in the West.

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