AFAIK the spin angular momentum of a photon is h-bar.

This is highly unlikely as in this case all photons should have the same angular momentum. The real question is: Is the total mass of a photon just its angular momentum?

All EM mass needs a topological charge to constantly reproduce the magnetic flux. The movement of a magnetic flux line is strictly angular. Thus the only  question is: How much energy is stored in the local field of the photon? Classically people believe H/E components of a photon are of equal size because they think that the energy oscillates between electric and magnetic energy what simply is nonsensical. This picture only works for a resonant electric circuit where a coil (solenoid) can store a current and at the maximum point the potential disappears. The vacuum is not a solenoid...and a magnetic field is only produced by a moving charge what implies the charge must split and you would have to explain which force should bend it back again.

Classic physics just is far to simple minded.


Am 14.05.20 um 00:00 schrieb Robin:
In reply to's message of Wed, 13 May 2020 20:10:56 
It is also widely considered that angular momentum (AM) is also quantized 
during physical system total energy transitions.  Thus,  if a system is 
deconstructed  such as Andrew suggests happens when a system emits a photon, 
then (assuming conservation of angular momentum) the AM of each of the separate 
parts of the original physical system should add up to the  quantized AM of the 
original physical system.
AFAIK the spin angular momentum of a photon is h-bar.
If you look at the quantum rules for permitted transitions, then you will see 
that the change in total angular momentum
of the electron has to be at least h-bar, as this is the amount needed to 
create a free photon.
I suspect that they are usually emitted along the axis of rotation of the 
particle emitting them, i.e. perpendicular to
the plane of rotation of the particle, and are circularly polarized.

Jürg Wyttenbach
8910 Affoltern a.A.
044 760 14 18
079 246 36 06

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