
To answer your question to me: “Are you trying to pick a fight about an 
undergraduate paper in Sapporo?”  The answer is NO.  Its your translation of  
the paper that I question.  I only am asking about YOUR OWN 
translation/interpretation of the subject verification of Mizuno work.  I do 
not read Japanese.

I found your translation confusing, given the text that immediately followed 
the Figure 1 diagram.  Your use of the phrase “this new hydrogen energy from 
fusion” in this text translation was the confusing part of the translation.

I  read about  95 % of Vortex-l threads, and its not a matter of like or 
dislike.  The determination of my attention to any particular thread is based 
on the credibility of the source of the information being presented.

Bob Cook

From: Jed Rothwell<>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 7:22 AM
To: Vortex<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Verification of Mizuno experiment<> 
<<>> wrote:

“Figure 1. Principle of nuclear fusion. (Deuterium and tritium are shown 
undergoing fusion to produce energy, neutrons and helium.)”

“In the present study, by using this new hydrogen energy from fusion, we hope 
to confirm a new power generation method that may replace conventional power 
generation methods, such as thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power, wind 
power, and solar power generation. The purpose is to obtain an input/output 
ratio of energy two times or more higher than input.”

Was the report merely obfuscation and fake news from your perspective, in that, 
as you point out, Mizuno does not use tritium?

I do not understand what you are talking about. Of course he does not use 
tritium. There is no mention of using tritium in this paper, or any of his 
other papers, or any papers in the cold fusion literature as far I recall. Many 
experiments produce tritium, but I have never heard of anyone starting with it.

Figure 1 shows conventional plasma fusion, as I am sure you realize.

I don't understand what you are saying, and I don't understand why you are 
saying it. Are you trying to pick a fight about an undergraduate paper in 
Sapporo? It seems pretty good to me. If you don't like it, don't read it.

- Jed

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