many of them now go to Vigier Conferences, this year's organization of 
conference messed up by covid19

Vigier 12

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Vigier 12




I video many of the talks.
I think main theory being promoted (at moment) is Rowland's theory, talk by 
Michael Houlden:

Michael Houlden talk on Rowlands' theory

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Michael Houlden talk on Rowlands' theory




Sarfatti hasn't been to Vigier Conference in ages. 

There is also ANPA Conference: 

Alternative Natural Philosophy Association - Alternative Natural Philosophy 

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Alternative Natural Philosophy Association - Alternative Natural Philoso...

Alternative Natural Philosophy Association



    On Sunday, 31 May 2020, 16:17:39 BST, Terry Blanton <> 
 I'll answer for Jonesie.
It's a bit older than that:
On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 11:09 AM 
<> wrote:



Is the  Fysics group you referenced the one that Allen Smith at LENR Forum 


Bob Cook


From: Jones Beene
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2020 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Orchestrated Objective Reduction


all the members of the "Fundamental Fysiks Group" [sic] reportedly merged into 
a single quantum entangled meme...



Terry Blanton wrote:


...and what ever happened to Jack Sarfatti?  :)





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