Grimer wrote..
>The Aspden effect is so mysterious cos it is the inverse of a very
familiar effect. It's like the Shroud. It's not until one sees the
negative image that one realises that's precisely what the Shroud
is, a negative image.

You will realise what that familiar effect is when I turn the
problem inside out by bringing the field outside the metal and make
the metal copper. This will increase the inertia (mass) as the metal
spins up.

The fact that the anomaly is so weird almost guarantees it's genuine.
It's not the kind of thing Aspden could have dreamt up. So anyone
setting out to confirm it can feel they are not likely to be wasting
their time.

I'll let people digest this lot first and proffer any comments
they might wish to make before I delve into how to...
Howdy Frank,
Now you're getting somewhere!     Back to my constant mention of the " differential"
Ah ha!  Thinking in differential in lieu of absolute allows the eye inside your mind to pick and choose how to view both from the inside or out. Even more so it allows a " comparison" which is the differential. We become so locked into by what we are taught that it is near impossible to unlatch the door between inside and outside.
Once had a discussion with a "metric" and an " English". My contention was that my English meter length was more precise than his French meter because I could measure the difference between the two. He complained, why is your meter more precise and not mine? and I replied . because I say so!  In measurement, like physics, the true length is secondary in importance to the difference. Apparently, this is was the approach to how Nissan solved the problem with their differential variable torque transmission.
Now the next step is how to rotate the space outside the copper sphere while rotating the inside without moving the copper sphere. If it can be done in the mind, it's possible.


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