As I scan Zoe's various posts and her responses to her critics it seems she
insists that heat and radiation are related but also maintains that they
are not equivalent or convertible. She maintains that a body can shine
alone, but it will only shed heat as well  if a relatively cooler body is
nearby which can receive it.

On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 6:08 PM H LV <> wrote:

> Since this involves heat flow, LENR experimenters should be able to assess
> this claim.
> harry
> <<Many people believe you can compare the Geothermal Heat Flux to
> Insolation, see that it’s pitiful and then exclude Geothermal from the
> energy budget. I have touched on this subject several times: here, here,
> and here. Today I will again show that this idea is plain nonsense.>> .
> see

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