What we see in experiments is that H*-H* reacts like two neutrons. This in respect to the intermediate products we see.

On the other side D*-D* reacts like two protons!


On 14.09.2020 15:12, JonesBeene wrote:

Jürg Wyttenbach wrote:

    … Dense Hydrogen. aka "Hydrino", aka H*-H* is a weak nuclear bond
    between two protons. It can be exactly calculated by SO(4) physics
    and is in full agreement with Randall Mills measurement of so
    called 1/4 Hydrinos


The H*H* which you describe above would seem to be neutral in net charge, weakly bound and very dense, correct?

Will the dense hydrogen of your model interact with the nucleus of a  host metal matrix as if it were two neutrons?

Is this species diamagnetic?

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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