The Shawyer EM drive is not dead but now has serious competition… using lasers. 
This is almost a breakthrough but has not attracted much attention so far..

Despite the negativism from skeptics (all over the Web),  the EM drive concept 
is now approaching the status of a solid technology despite NASA dropping it. 

What’s with NASA dropping something like this??? Almost unforgiveable.

Fortunately DARPA/ARPA did not give up and the latest results seem to be  
fabulous (when and if they are  duplicated).

Long video from Mike McCulloch

>From the Next Big Future comments: This is related to Mike McCulloch's 
>“quantized inertia” QI theory  which itself is related yet different from the 
>usual Mach effect and Emdrive drama. 

McCulloch has a theory for inertia that predicts galaxies' rotation sans dark 
matter, distant binaries and other anomalies presumably without adjustment, and 
it has other several interesting implications. It explains the Emdrive and 
predicts several kinds of inertia-based drives using EM waves of different 
efficiencies…. To call it controversial is an understatement.

In a way it is refreshing to get rid of the baggage of dark matter. It has 
always smelled a bit like a klutz concept… unless of course it is the “aether”

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