LOL!  I am pleased to see you still have your impeccable sense of humor.


On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 11:31 AM Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Negative mass may actually be allowed by Einstein's theory of relativity.
> At least that is what a few proponents claim. Particles with negative mass
> are tachyons - which supposedly always *travel faster than light. *That
> does not mean they can carry positive information, but who knows - this
> topic is closer to SciFi than real Sci.
> What is negative information? Interesting semantics - is factual
> information which is traveling at FTL best described negative info? which
> brings up the concept of "alternative facts" ... Maybe Kellyanne will be
> cured by same ...?
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> If information has mass, how can it travel FTL?

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