Yes. For instance, if your expectation is based on emission from  a stationary 
emitter – then  “ rotational superradiance” can alter and  concentrate 
radiation from around the equator of the rapidly spinning emitter while the 
polar emission will be subradiant. No gain – simply a shift.

The appearance of higher amplitude sound waves could seem, at first, like a 
path to net gain.

Dicke "superradiance is involved as well as Fermi-Pasta-Ulam

Could this mean that under the right conditions a body could unexpectedly 
radiate more of its energy in the infrared region?


H LV wrote: 

Acoustic demonstration of beats

This is not mentioned in the video but beats also arise and persist in a driven 
oscillator when no damping force is present. This happens because the driver`s 
frequency does not match the natural frequency of the oscillator. Beats will 
also initially appear in a driven oscillator when a damping force is present 
but they will fade away quickly.


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