Currently a big mass  murder organized by the world wide rotary free masons mafia pharma mafia is ongoing and daily killing 10'000ds of peoples that not get the well working medication.

Ivermectin is able to save the live even of ICU patients. It works against West-Nil, Zikka, Hanta and other virus but nobody should know this.

It works best against CoV-19 by blocking the virus replication in the cell. It also can stop the virus outside the cell but there not better than HCQ or Nitazoxanide. It cost nothing. The horse version (dose of 800kg)  in Europe is sold for about 8$. (USA human version 8 doses > 800$) The horse version is used in South America, because its not suppressed!

The full HCQ story: !

Please inform the newspapers  about the facts and tell/threat, you will bring them to Den Haag if they stay silent or publish miss information. This will work again with Biden!  Keep a copy of your communication together with the mail confirmation.


On 16.11.2020 21:16, H LV wrote:

On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 2:58 PM Jed Rothwell < <>> wrote:

    I realize this is off topic. And I expect everyone here has heard
    about it. But I thought you would like to see some quantitative

    Here is a note on temperatures. The second article says the
    Moderna vaccine can be kept at -20°C. The Pfizer vaccine has to be
    kept at -75°C during shipping and storage. It can be stored in an
    ordinary refrigerator for up to 5 days before it is used.
    ( I asked a nurse
    about this. She said there are several vaccines that require cold
    storage. She said this will probably come as a powder, which is
    mixed with room temperature fluid before inoculation. The older
    version of the shingles vaccine was like this.

    Good news! Moderna's vaccine is reportedly 95% effective. Here are
    the raw numbers as reported by CNN:

    15,000 vaccines administered. 5 people in that group got COVID-19.
    They had mild cases.

    15,000 placebos administered. 90 people in that group got
    COVID-19. 11 had severe cases.

    This is reported as 94.5% effective, which I think is too many
    digits of precision. I would say >90%. But I quibble. I think
    there is no question it is effective.

    It seems the vaccine reduces the severity of the disease when it
    does not prevent it completely

    There were no severe side effects. There were some side effects in
    some patients, such as headaches.

    Fauci said this is good news. If the Pfizer and or the Moderna
    vaccines are approved, the first ones may be administered in
    December to risk groups such as doctors and nurses. Fauci
    predicted the general population may be vaccinated from May to
    July 2021.

    "Early Data Show Moderna’s Coronavirus Vaccine Is 94.5% Effective

    Moderna is the second company to report preliminary results from a
    large trial testing a vaccine. But there are still months to go
    before it will be widely available to the public."

    More good news, from CNN. This may drive down the stock market
    value of Pfizer:

    While the two vaccines appear to have very similar safety and
    efficacy profiles, Moderna's vaccine has a significant practical
    advantage over Pfizer's.

    Pfizer's vaccine has to be kept at minus 75 degrees Celsius — or
    about minus 103 degrees Fahrenheit. No other vaccine in the US
    needs to be kept that cold, and doctors' offices and pharmacies do
    not have freezers that go that low.

    Moderna's vaccine can be kept at minus 20 degrees Celsius, which
    is about minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit. Other vaccines, such as the
    one against chickenpox, need to be kept at that temperature.

    That means Moderna's vaccine can be kept in "a readily available
    freezer that is available in most doctors' offices and
    pharmacies," said Dr. Tal Zacks, Moderna's chief medical officer.
    "We leverage infrastructure that already exists for other marketed

    Another advantage of Moderna's vaccine is that it can be kept for
    30 days in the refrigerator, the company announced Monday.
    Pfizer's vaccine can last only five days in the refrigerator.

Jürg Wyttenbach
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