From: K P Rajeev <>
Date: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 12:19 PM

Dear Dr Rothwell,
   I am Prof K P Rajeev of Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and you
probably remember me as the co-author of late Dr Srinivasan of the
transmutation chapter in the recent "Cold Fusion" book published by
Elsevier in which you also published an article. We have built a small
group at IIT Kanpur to research the LENR phenomena both experimentally
and theoretically. The group includes Prof Pankaj Jain (Theoretical
Astro and High Energy Physics), Prof Raj Ganesh Pala (Chemical
Engineering) and me (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics). We have
also been lucky to get a couple of Ph.D. students.

   We would like to hold a workshop on LENR in memory of Dr Srinivasan,
tentatively during the third weekend of January 2021. We envisage an
online workshop with about twelve talks of about 30 minutes duration
followed by a 10 minutes discussion session. We request you to be part
of this workshop and give a talk. We look forward to a positive
response from you. Also, please let us know if you have any other
suggestions regarding this workshop.

With best regards

K P Rajeev
Dept of Physics
IIT Kanpur

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