1) If both the Sun and the planets formed from the same gas/dust cloud, how come the Sun is mostly Hydrogen and the
Earth is a rocky planet?<<

one theory/hypothesis/speculation is that there were supermassive stars (that have lived out their lives and died) in early universe where the heavier elements than hydrogen were manifactured and the remants of that were what formed rocky planets. While planets like Jupiter are just failed stars that weren't quite massive enough to start nuclear fusion

2) If some selection process caused primarily Hydrogen to condense at the middle, why are the rocky planets closer to
the Sun than the gas giants?<<

happenstance. Dragoslav explains planet density and their distances by update of Bode's law to Boscovich theory of repulsive and attractive forces for solar system https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281489710_ROGER_BOSCOVICH_-_THE_FOUNDER_OF_MODERN_SCIENCE

------ Original Message ------
From: "Robin" <mixent...@aussiebroadband.com.au>
To: "VORTEX" <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, 8 Jan, 21 At 04:51
Subject: [Vo]:planetary formation
1) If both the Sun and the planets formed from the same gas/dust cloud, how come the Sun is mostly Hydrogen and the
Earth is a rocky planet?
2) If some selection process caused primarily Hydrogen to condense at the middle, why are the rocky planets closer to
the Sun than the gas giants?
R. van Spaandonk
Crops, not towns, should be planted on floodplains.
Even the ancient Egyptians knew this.

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