Charge is a topological effect of magnetic flux. Since more than 100 years people believe that the magnetic moments of particles/atoms are created by a ring current. In reality it's the other way round. Flux always travels at light speed. So the charge is stationary. But physics is symmetric (just assume the flux stays!) and the classic assumption delivers the same result.

Magnetic lines do rotate according basic Maxwell laws. So in classic 3D space you can have 2 independent rotations. (Also classically known the two spherical harmonics in QM solutions). Generally you can have n-1 independent rotations in n dimensional space.

From this picture it is trivial to see that for Euklidian space the rotations never cover the full space in a symmetric way. The cover only works for spherical shells that in reality are 2D isomorphous. So in average always on dimension is carrying less flux than the others. Just draw 2 circles on two neighbor sides of a cube, then you will see that one edge has double the flux than the other two. As the flux asymmetrically rotates in all dimensions there is always one preferred dimension (in the local frame of the particle) with a  net flux that induces charge. If we say this frame rotates, then there is always in average a net charge generating flux!

(This is 80% of the explanation. The flux tube needed for Farradays law is to complex to explain it here.)


On 26.01.2021 21:54, wrote:

A  charge  be  the same as a  changing  B field intensity in a  space volume quanta.  The definition of resonance that Jurg uses is a key concept,  I think an absolute time dimension does not exist, but is apparent from magnetic flux circulation in a locale,

A better  question is how are space and magnetic flux related IMHO.

Is magnetic flux  a dimension akin to space?    And is it quantized?    Spin—a rotating B  flux is a potential resulting  phonmenon.

Bob Cook


*From: *Robin <>
*Sent: *Tuesday, January 26, 2021 12:02 PM
*To: * <>
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:The Higgs polariton

In reply to Jürg Wyttenbach's message of Tue, 26 Jan 2021 13:14:50 +0100:
> From the SO(4) model it is clear that the electron is a resonance of
>the proton. In the bound (ground) state there is no electron as we know
>it from the unbound state.
>The electron unfolds in three steps as it is a three wave structure that
>breaks up.

This then leads to the question...what is charge?

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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