This extremely expensive research could eventually affect LENR, unbeknownst to 
almost everyone... 

... assuming that Holmlid's theory is at least partially correct.
Many of us had hoped to see a ray of progress from Norront by now. AFAIK there 
has been nothing from them of great importance. Maybe they got the laser 
frequency wrong?
However, the idea that the laser frequency is the factor that makes all the 
difference was not even promoted by Holmlid so it could be a red herring.
BTW "what's the frequency, Kenneth?"

The cloak-and-dagger tale behind this year’s most anticipated result in 
particle physics

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The cloak-and-dagger tale behind this year’s most anticipated result in ...

Locked cabinets, a secret frequency, and the curious magnetism of a particle 
called the muon



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