Conference paper uploaded  3/2021   YK Bae corp.

The laser space-propulsion guy tested an asymmetrical laser-cavity Emdrive. Nope, no forces. Or, they're several orders below those claimed for the magnetron Emdrive (which supposedly was proved artifactual?)

Also: YK Bae went for govt-approved science, yet he started out as an acupuncturist with a UC Irvine project to view acupuncture points using medical ultrasound (and fMRI.) With Joie P. Jones, they found them easily, spherical or spindle-shaped regions 1cm deep, and observed changes in realtime. But the "points" are invisible for MHz-scale ultrasound, and will only appear with custom-built instruments, where the operating frequency must be +50MHz. Their phase-array medical imager included an entire roomful of PCs. (Hmm, where is it now? When project ends, I guess you put everything out in the hall for other labs to grab?)

  SSE Talks - Imaging Acupuncture Points with fMRI 1/3
  Jones J.P., Bae Y.K., Wilson L., So C.S., Kidney D.D. (2004) Ultrasonic
  Imaging and Characterization of Accupuncture Points in Classical
  Oriental Medicine. In: Arnold W., Hirsekorn S. (eds) Acoustical Imaging.
  Acoustical Imaging, vol 27. Springer, Dordrecht.

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William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com               
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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