1,5: Magnetic flux always flows in a locally flat manifold (plane) and its moment vector is orthogonal to the manifold

4: Magnetic flux is a line of acting mass. It's the real basic thing everything is made off. It seems to have no limit in how faint such a flux line can be.

2: The flux line - classically - is a part of the field

3: The magnetic action is always an orthogonal three vector B= y1 X y2

6: Nature has no quantization. Only stable states must be quantized. This follows from basic mechanics laws of coupled rotations.

7: Space can be anything. But "real" space seems to be restricted to 3 orthogonal acting dimensions.

The problems did start when physicists did claim that the basic 3 action of magnetism (point 3) is symmetric and thus invented the 4 potential and the relativistic metric. But from basic algebraic laws it is obvious that you add no new structure if you go from a plane action to a 3D action. You only nebulize the facts.

See also: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349838375_On_the_fundamental_structure_of_quantum_mechanics

So new physics only can be gained by 2x2 action or going farther by 2x2x2 = octonions.


On 03.04.2021 00:42, bobcook39...@hotmail.com wrote:



 1. Does a magnetic vector imply 3 space  dimensions or only 1
 2. I s a magnetic field as described by Maxwell also implied?
 3.   Are there any intrinsic magmatic physical parameters associated
    with a space dimension(s)?
 4. What is magnetic flux? (Flux  implies a flow of something,)
 5. Is magmatic flux related to the angular momentum?
 6. Is angular momentum a quantized physical parameter or dimension?
 7. Is space a real physicals dimensiom(s) continuous to 0 ?

Bob Cook

*From: *Don <mailto:don86...@gmail.com>
*Sent: *Wednesday, March 31, 2021 2:43 PM
*To: *vortex-l@eskimo.com <mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
*Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Texture of magnetic vector rotation in a special knot group

Hi Jürg!

On 3/31/2021 7:38 AM, Jürg Wyttenbach wrote (about what Don wrote below):

    Did you notice that the knots are based on Fibonacci numbers?

    The same as in SO(4) physics torus knots!  The magic of flux


I'm not sure what you are asking, Jürg.

If you mean, did I notice the numbers are in the Fibonacci sequence, then, yup.  I was searching through parametric substitutions using ray-tracing rendering and animated search sequences, with all manor of golden and platonic combinations over the years.

If you mean, did /I /notice or discover the Fibonacci number thing, rather than develop from another's work, the answer is still yes.  This is golden stuff  of my compulsive amateur curiosity, and the golden torus knot seems mapped out to my satisfaction, now, so that the nickles in my pocket are beginning to itch for want of parts to assemble.  I wanted to (think I) know what I was doing before I spent part of our grocery and vice budget.  Now I'm out of excuses.

Or did you mean to ask something other?


My curiosity-vectored search has over the years seemed to have a mind of its own (Zen-vectored moments of pondering). I'm really surprised after the system design closure of principle last September that the solution was a unique arrangement, but an arrangement of concepts I knew well (enough) for years.  Also, for me, layers of head-jolting-synchronicites kept motivation to keep searching at a high level.

Thank you for your curiosity!


Amateur Engineer and Newbie Woodworker, Director of Bucket List Operations (BLO)

Phi = 5^.5 * .5 + .5 <-- In case all the other keys on your calculator are stuck

    On 31.03.2021 15:13, Don wrote:

        Hello Vortex People,

        This is some serious stuff to me as a hobby.  I call it a
        hobby so people won't think I'm too serious.

        But seriously, a certain group of knots on the same donut
        afford a golden opportunity to get organized and orderly on
        the torus surface <-- with a magnetic vector wave continually
        revolving at velocity by frequency per scale.

        A certain group of entangled knots affords what I always
        thought was going to be easy to do.  Well, just winding a
        helix around a donut multiple times, entangling with the
        earlier windings, and connecting where it started as a
        'smooth' torus knot, gets the surface-velocity-timing of the
        vector rotation all mixed up.   Don't despair!


        Brought to you by shear boredom during panedemania...

        There is a way to wind a group of smooth torus knots on a
        torus surface, in such a way that the torus knots are
        energized in step-phased electrical current, smoothly and
        continuously over the surface.

        The trick is not a 'way to do it', but which knots to smoothly
        entangle when separated by 120 degrees each around the donut
        <-- and this trick appears and disappears by the number of
        entangled phases.  This focus will be only about 3-phase.

        The answer of which knot to use is --> 13:8 <-- The p:q knot
        ratio turns around the torus axis (p) and helical loops
        through the torus hole (q).  Or, that's my personal choice.

        The 3:2 knot, the 13:8, and the 55:34 are the first three
        knots which also share the quality of 1) q = even number, and
        2) p and q are adjacent numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.


        Hot or Knot?

        What's your vote as a sensible knot for prototype studies
        toward revolving a magnetic vector tangentially and
        continuously around the surface of a golden donut (by torus
        profile) at a golden slope through the torus plane, and a
        golden slope from the axis through the torus hole?


        Why q = even numbers?

        Because, for even q-s, the electrical connection points for
        bifilar conduction are diametrically opposite each other on
        the outer circumference of the donut.

        So?  Because then, electrical connection is performed away
        from the torus center hole, and all connections for 3-phase
        group of knots on a donut are done on a six-point layout, as a
        hexagon.  A magnetic self-resonance on the knot group (at a
        few megaHz of ring-amp tail-chase current-reversals for
        maximized delta-B) will have minimal magnetic interference
        leading away from the magnetic surface of the copper array, a
        copper wound donut. There's nothing in the center hole of the
        donut but the hole (and perhaps some target for study, like a
        very thin film of nano-fibers for hosting plasmon resonance as
        a emergent-topology enticement for over-driven states.


        Why Fibonacci neighbors?

        Beside being an approximation of the golden ratio, the
        Fibonacci knot ratios produce this curious de-tangling of
        entangled knot helices.

        Each knot self-entangles its own windings, and when two are
        entangled on the same donut (none touch, the loops are between
        the first knot's loops) there is yet an entangled pattern on
        the torus surface.

        But wait!

        When a third Fibonacci knot is wound between two other knots
        on a donut, all smooth, even, non-touching, and symmetric,
        then two geometric structures appear in the order and current
        flow along the surface of the knot:

            1) The left-handed and the right-handed helices (the
            bifilar halves) are grouped contiguously, symmetrically,
            and in sequence; and

            2) The phase order is natural as phaseA, phaseB, phaseC,
            phaseA, phaseB, phaseC.... across the entire surface. 
            Which is what I thought would happen in the beginning when
            one just wound a bunch of wire on a donut.  Nu uh.  But
            now you know.


        How can this be?

        Without knowing the proper terminology, suffice to say it is
        about dissonance near an integer.  The golden ratio creates an
        even distribution on a plane in seed-heads of plants, or
        phylotaxy of leaves on a stem, but entangling golden
        entanglements on a golden donut creates a sorted progression
        of polarity and phase.  I be happy.


        What this is?

        This is about reverse-engineering attempts to design 'it' to
        comply with what's not known to not work.  No government funds
        were used, or animals harmed (not counting my neurons).


        What size this is?

        It's about a foot across the outer diameter of the copper
        wound donut. The hole of the donut is about a quarter of an
        inch" (6 mm).  There will be 39 helical twists in 3-phases,
        with about 50 foot total copper conductor (likely flat
        conductor for the close spacing in the hole.


        What power's this geometric magic knot array?

        Something like two D.C. arc-welders in series for a power
        equivalence, as an over-engineered prototype build.  As a
        test-device, this leaves room for adjustment.



    Jürg Wyttenbach

    Bifangstr. 22

    8910 Affoltern am Albis

    +41 44 760 14 18

+41 79 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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