Muons: 'Strong' evidence found for a new force of nature

There is currently a one in a 40,000 chance that the result could be a
statistical fluke - equating to a statistical level of confidence described
as 4.1 sigma.
A level of 5 sigma, or a one in 3.5 million chance of the observation being
a coincidence, is needed to claim a discovery.
Prof Ben Allanach, from Cambridge University, who was not involved with the
latest effort, said: "My Spidey sense is tingling and telling me that this
is going to be real.
The Muon g-2 experiment involves sending the particles around a 14-metre
ring and then applying a magnetic field. Under the current laws of physics,
encoded in the Standard Model, this should make the muons wobble at a
certain rate.

Instead, the scientists found that muons wobbled at a faster rate than
expected. This might be caused by a force of nature that's completely new
to science.

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