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Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 00:33:45 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: ICCF-23 Abstract submission deadline extended to May 1, 2021

Abstract Deadline extended to May 1, 2021

10 days left to submit your Abstract!

You can safely ignore this message if you already submitted an abstract.

ICCF-23 Call for Papers

The 23rd International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
(ICCF-23) will be held during June 9-11 2021, in Xiamen, China. The
Conference will be conducted virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic
situation. The president of ICCF-23, Zhong-Qun Tian, an academician and a
representative of the Organization Committee, wishes all who will attend
this grand scientific event a warm welcome.

Over the years, many researchers have made unremitting exploration in
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS). ICCF has a long history and
continues to be a place where information is shared by leading researchers
working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in
CMNS. Therefore, holding the ICCF-23 conference will play an indescribably
important role in understanding the latest international progress of
research in CMNS. The success of the conference will depend on you sharing
your great ideas, visions and research results with all the participants.
Prospective authors are encouraged to contribute high-quality papers to this
conference. For more details of ICCF-23, and the host Xiamen University,
please visit:

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

 *  Heat Production
 *  Transmutations
 *  Radiation and Other Measurements
 *  Electrochemical Experiments
 *  Plasma Experiments
 *  Hot Gas Experiments
 *  Beam Experiments
 *  Instrumentation
 *  Material Studies
 *  Theoretical and Computational Studies
 *  Modeling and Simulation
 *  Approaches to Replication
 *  Applications

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline:   April 24, 2021  Abstract submission Deadline
extended to May 1, 2021

Notification of Acceptance:  Before May 7, 2021

ICCF-23 online:   June 9-11, 2021

Registration Fee

Attendance is free of charge, however registration is required. Please
visit for registration. Registered
participant will receive an email on how to access the online conference, no
later than June 8, 2021.

Plenary Speakers

Ping Chen, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China

Lawrence P. Forsley, Global Energy Corporation, USA

Peter L. Hagelstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Yasuhiro Iwamura, Tohoku University, Japan

Sveinn Ólafsson, University of Iceland, Iceland

Alex G. Parkhomov, KIT R&D Laboratory, Russia

Edmund Storms, Kiva Labs, USA

Akito Takahashi, Technova Inc., Japan

Francis Tanzella, Energy Research Center LLC, USA

Matthew D. Trevithick, Google LLC, USA

Invited Speakers (To be continued)

Jean-Paul Biberian, Aix-Marseilles University, France

Frank Gordon, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, USA

Andrew Meulenberg, Science for Humanity Trust Inc., USA

Michael McKubre, Napier, New Zealand

Melvin H. Miles, Dixie State University, USA

David Nagel, George Washington University, USA

Roger S. Stringham, Firstgate Energy, USA 

Mitchell R. Swartz, JET Energy Inc., USA 

Katsuaki Tanabe, Kyoto University, Japan

Tie-Shan Wang, Lanzhou University, China

Dong-Ping Zhan, Xiamen University, China

Wu-Shou Zhang, Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China

Conference Programme

The virtual ICCF-23 is excepted to have ~ 40 oral presentations and posters
in three days. Three sessions expanding from morning, afternoon, and evening
in Beijing time and a separate and live Q&A session will be arranged per
day, to accommodate participants from different time zones (please see the
following tentative program framework). Synchronous/live style is the first
choice for oral presenters. We will ask oral presenters provide a
pre-recorded power point presentation file with audio in advance as a
backup. Meanwhile, for mitigating the adverse effects of different
time-zones, we would try to make asynchronous watching of all presentations
(with permissions) for the whole week of the conference. For each poster
presentation, we will provide a show page and a Q&A page, before and during
the meeting week. The related details will be sent by email in due time. You
may also check the conference website for updates.


* Time in this table is in GMT+8 (CST),  Click Here for Time Zone Converter.
Please visit the conference website for
PROGRAM OVERVIEW in different time zones: JST, EDT, PDT, and CEST.


The official language of the conference is English.



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