Here is some background about the pickle that science is in regarding the
nature of the vacuum as follows:

Now that you understand the "naturalness problem" we can now suggest a way
to determine the maximum energy content of the vacuum by experiment.

String theory tells us that the end stage of a tachyon condensates life
cycle is the annihilation of the space time that the condensate has been
inhabiting. We might think of this phenomena as deriving energy from

There are many assumption that underpin science that cannot be verified by
experiment. These assumptions come from our everyday common sense
experiences in living our lives. One assumption that I am especially
interested in exploring is an investigation into the opinion that energy
cannot be produced from nothing. This is crackpot stuff. But I see a way to
prove that this proposition holds merit.

Sen and Witten's string theory tells us that the end stage of a tachyon
condensates life cycle is the annihilation of the space time that the
condensate has been inhabiting. There is an instability between the D-brane
and the anti D-brane that contain the condensate. Ashoke Sen wasn't scared
of such an instability. We might think of this phenomena as an opportunity
to derive energy from nothing since the D-brane applied to our universe is
simply space-time.

The potential energy curve for the complex tachyon condensate is nothing
else than the Mexican hat potential of a sort. The minima correspond to a
complete destruction of the D-brane and the anti-D-brane. The D-brane is
comprised of the Higgs field and all the virtual particles that interact
with the Higgs field.

The D-brane and anti-D-brane carry the opposite charges. They're antimatter
to each other. So they may annihilate with each other and the tachyon
condensate is just a sign of this looming annihilation. When they
annihilate, however, the potential energy for the tachyon rolls down lower.
How much lower? Well, the decrease of the potential energy is exactly what
you would expect from the complete destruction of the latent energy E=mc2
carried by the brane and the anti-brane. Because this energy is uniform and
its density is given by the tension, Sen realized that it had to be the
case that the energy densities obeyed... twice the tension.

The way I look at this proposition, when the tachyon condensate becomes
unstable, it releases the maximum energy content of the de Sitter space and
the anti de sitter space that the condensate is sitting in. This amount of
energy can be determined by measuring the sum of all the energies of the
electrons that explosively exit the region where the annihilation of the
space time has occured.

I beleive that I have seen an experiment that shows a weak Bosenova
reaction of a tachyon condensate at the very lowest level of the expected
maximum vacuum energy potential or about 500GeVs.

[image: image.png]

This picture is the tachyon potential called the Mexican hat potential. An
exotics vacuum object (EVO) is' our name for the tachyon condensate. When
the EVO is first formed, it has a minimal energy potential at the peak of
the hat. At that low energy level, the EVO is stable. As the EVO
auto-creates more tachyons and gains energy, it descends the tachyon
potential until it gets near the bottom of the potential which is the place
that contains the most energy. At that maximum energy potential, the
tachyon condensate becomes unstable. It will explode in a Bosenova, where
the space that the EVO occupied... our space time (de Sitter space) and the
space time that the tachyon condensate co occupied (anti de Sitter space)
annihilate as a space/anti space pair, producing energy based on E=MC2 as
discribed above.

We have seen this happen in experiments supported by MFMP as follows.

I am excited to share this video of the tachyon condensate  end of life in
the life cycle of the tachyon condensate. The Bosenovas of the condensates
are occurring on the cathode and are pictured as a circular flash of white
light. There is a bright streak that extends from the Bosenova to the anode
which consists of high current high energy electrons that are produced when
the tachyon condensate explodes. The popping sounds that correspond to the
Bosenova events are produced by an AM radio tuned between stations. .

All the Bosenova looks to me to be generating about the same energy level
and that level appears to be at the low end of the vacuum energy power
expectation level.

The regular speed portion of the video showing the Bosenovas begins at  :20
and the slow speed video starts at 2:10.

120fps + 4x slow motion

It is valuable for science to be able to test the assumptions about the
vacuum that have been made. All it might take is a small amount of mental
tolerance for a crackpot viewpoint.

Both the work of Sen and Witten need to be justified by a simple
experimental demonstration that their theories are dead on physical.

By the way, this experimental vacuum energy measurement method might also
address the confusion around the Fermilab’s Muon g-2 experiment which would
benefit from a more exacts profile of the contents of the vacuum.

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