Sorry, the project name is

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 5:37 PM Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Bob Greenyer of MFMP has moderated the experiments that you are interested
> in under the project name "ULTRA". There is a lot of info on Bob's site on
> this stuff.
> Bob's site is as follows:
> also see
> On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 4:45 PM Michael Foster <> wrote:
>> I'd like to try this myself, but I can find no other reference to the
>> phenomenon other than yours. By cavitating cleaner do you mean an ordinary
>> ultrasonic cleaner, or is it something different? How much power is needed?
>> What size and thickness of foil are used, etc.?
>> If the surface of the aluminum fragments is black, it might be just be
>> finely divided aluminum particles, which if fine enough are black. If, on
>> the other hand, some transmutation takes place, I'd like to do some
>> chemical tests.
>> On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 04:57:48 AM GMT, Axil Axil <
>>> wrote:
>> *Nobody had ever expected to see quantum effectscoming out of a
>> cavitating cleaner. But amateur physics experiments performedat home have
>> most likely done it. This breakthrough in amateur experimentalmethods is so
>> much unexpected and might open the door to the discovery of howmultiple
>> dimensions of a quantum system functions. Also this method could formthe
>> basis of an experimental platform for string theory.*
>> *When a static system is doing multipleconcurrent activities, there is a
>> chance that the system's dimensionalityexceeds that of space time. To my
>> eye, this multi functionality seems to be thecase with a caveating cleaner
>> eroding a sheet of aluminum foil.*
>> *There is an excellent chance that the cavitatoris producing a Bose
>> condensate at room temperature. The usual method used toproduce such a
>> condensate is to lower the temperature of a collection ofspecial atoms to
>> near absolute zero. The usual method is an experimentrequiring the use of a
>> $million worth of low temperature equipment.*
>> *The cavitating cleaner is producing Bosecondensation by just turning the
>> unit on. This condensate can be studied inreal time. This process is also
>> 100% reproducible and these micro basedexperiments can be performed using
>> real time microscopic inspection methods aswell as high frame rate video
>> examination. Just turn on the cavitator, and theBose condensates springs to
>> life.*
>>  *There are over 70 different kinds and countingof Bose condensates
>> currently characterized. It is not clear what flavor ofcondensate that is
>> being generated in the cavitator.*
>> *The indications that a Bose condensate is beingformed by the cavitator
>> is the appearance of a Mexican hat structure impressedinto the aluminum
>> within a blackened duplex microcavity. The number eightshaped duel cavity
>> begins its formation as a dipole but when the duel cavity isfully formed,
>> only one side of the duplex cavity remains active. The otherinactive member
>> of the dipole is ill formed and stunted. What marks the solitonas active is
>> a vortex of water that is ongoing inside and above the cavitywhich is
>> rotating at a fearsome rate. This vortex of water has been observed onvideo
>> at 120 frames a second but the vortex still looks like an amorphous
>> cloudeven at 8 millisecond resolution. The direction of rotation and its
>> violencebecomes apparent when some detritus moves close to the water
>> vortex. The watervortex looks like a cloud hovering over the aluminum
>> sombrero as the rotationalrate of the vortex is so very great. The vortex
>> of water is centered on thecrown of the Mexican hat structure that has been
>> impressed into the aluminum.*
>> *The rotation of water above the condensate in thecavity is extreme. That
>> rate of rotation is directly proportional to themagnetic field strength of
>> the vortex tubes projecting out of the soliton. Itmight be possible to
>> calculate this field strength of the vortex tubes of thecondensate by
>> determining the rotation rate of the water and correlating thatrotational
>> rate against the known magnetic strength of a rare earth magnet.Because the
>> rate of water rotation is so great, a very expensive high ratevideo camera
>> is required to do this rotational counting, however.*
>> *I also see the aluminum foil break apart andfloat in the roiling water
>> currents atop the surviving duplex structures. Onsome of these fragments,
>> the Mexican hat structures are still impressed intothe material of the
>> fragment. On occasion, an active water vortex is stillactive on the surface
>> of these fragments.*
>> *Some of these active fragments remain activeand continue to generate a
>> water vortex even after the power to the cavitatoris turned off.*
>> *Without exception, the duplex structures haveonly one rotating water
>> vortex ongoing. The other conjoined cavity in theduplex structure is
>> inactive and its Mexican hat structure is ill formed. Itappears that the
>> rotating vortex cavity has transferred its energy to thecounter vortex
>> cavity structure. The direction of water vortex rotation iscounterclockwise
>> which indicates from the right hand rule that the magneticeffect producing
>> the water vortex is a North Pole magnetic monopole field.*
>> *The color of the surface of the duplex cavityis black except for the
>> Mexican hat deposition which appears to rise out of thecentered base of the
>> cavity. The Mexican hat formation has an iridescent jewellike nature, is
>> now highly magnetic. When a magnet was placed in the water, afragment of
>> this formation was found to have affixed itself to a magnet placedin the
>> water. The magnetic particle looks like the central core or crown of oneof
>> the sombrero structures that has had parts of the brim of the
>> Sombreromissing. This structure of the fragment has assumed a hexagonal
>> shape and musthave been formed by a supersolid lattice field.*
>> *As the foil is ripped apart, most if not all ofthe resulting aluminum
>> fragments were coated with some black stuff. Anyposition change of the
>> fragments did not change the color of these fragments asthey floated and
>> tumbled in the water currents of the cavitator. This lack ofchange of color
>> of the fragments prompt me to consider this black color coatingas a
>> chemical, contaminant,  or new elementthat is permanently coating and
>> affixed to the duplex cavities.*
>> *The Mexican hat configuration looks identicalto a petal Bose polariton
>> condensates which are described in associatedarticles with the petals
>> located on the rim of the hat and a peak at itscenter.*
>> *I noticed unexpectedly that when a blue laserwas used to illuminate one
>> of the sombreros, the laser light of a spot near thecrown was down shifted
>> by the active soliton to shine in an intense whiteslightly orange tinted
>> light.*
>> *A bubble of gas is seen to exit the Bosecondensate soliton when the
>> power to the cavitator is turned off. This bubblemight be matter that is
>> being carried in the condensate when the condensate isactive. The
>> termination of the condensate might be releasing the gas upon
>> itstermination. This activity might be a sign of multi-dimensional activity
>> overand above the four dimensions of space time is at play.*

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