Influence of Relic Neutrinos on Beta Radioactivity

The weak force scope of activity  is considered to be exclusively located
in its actions inside the nucleus of the atom or the subatomic particle.
But the fact that the weak force is acting at a distance beyond those
locations implies unambiguously that grand unification of forces are
occurring during the "reaction".

One instance of weak force action at a distance is the instantiation of
isotopic changes in isotope stabilization caused by some cosmic mechanisms.

The experiments by Alexander Parkhomov is a solid indicator that some new
particle is producing weak force reactions at a distance. Parkhomov's
experiments indicate that it is likely that the new unknown exotic weak
force boson  is generated by dark matter since the data shows cosmic
influence associated with a pronounced variable nature of beta decay.
Parkhomov is correct to attribute regular patterns in beta decay to cosmic
factors, but the particle that he has selected to be the weak force carrier
doesn't fit well to the data.

I think a better fit is a dark photon that is expected to carry the long
range weak force under grand unification. This photon could be the X-boson
that is produced by dark matter. This weak force boson could be massless as
expected but retain the nature of the photon with the exception the X-boson
restricts its interaction with matter exclusively to the weak force. But it
is possible that the X-boson could have a Higgs force linkage that
generates some mass and sub-light seed behavior.

Parkhomov has developed a weak force based isotopic telescope that
generates data which shows gravitational focusing. effects of isotropic
flux of weak force carrying particles. N.A. Kozyrev has also observed stars
by means of an isotopic weak force  telescope reflector showing similar
gravitational lensing data patterns.

Parkhomov points out the conformation of deviations from exponential decay
rates. Any measurements of the rates of radioactive decays should reveal
only an exponential decrease along with superimposed chaotic fluctuations
obeying Poisson distribution. Lately however, after it became possible to
conduct accurate long-term measurements, some experimental results, which
appear to indicate the existence of periodic and sporadic deviations from
the exponential law, were obtained.

Also, the weak force data is sensitive to the use of a diffraction grating
which indicates that the weak force carrier has  a wave nature.

It has been shown that the weak force can be amplified by the application
of laser light onto gold nanoparticles. This speaks against the neutrino as
the weak force carrier since there is no connection between photons
produced by a laser and the production of neutrinos.

 It is likely possible to characterize the nature of the dark matter weak
force carrier by using a time of flight experiment using laser excited
nanoparticles  to determine the speed of the weak force carrier, its mass
if any, and the potential that it is carrying.

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