If you really want to get down to the "natural forces" behind flying
saucers, just read ONE book:  Renato Vesco's "Intercept UFO".

It outlines the aerodynamic theories and technology of Ludwig Prandtl and
Oscar Schrenk & how those approaches to Boundary Layer Control were
implemented.  The key was using Sinterization and suction across the entire
wetted surface of the aircraft, increasing the lift coefficient by 8X.
 The allies won the war, these German weapon secrets were part of the war
booty, and voila!, 2 years later there were prototypes flying all over the
US  -- and crashing, unlike what one would expect from technologists
hundreds of thousands of years ahead of us capable of superluminal speed.

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 9:44 AM Don <don86...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2021.10.06
> BCC: Scientists and friends
> *Thank you for being curious about true alien tech.*
> I have a huge need to deliver a small corpus of logical connections made
> in mind by causal reasoning.
> This is about the control of the natural forces.
> .......

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