BEHIND ANY SCIENTIFIC SUCCESS STORY CAN BE FOUND A RESEARCHER WHO PERSEVERED THROUGH FAILURE AND VIEWS IT AS NOT ONLY INEVITABLE, BUT NECESSARY. quote <<To Manning, the crucial point of such success stories is that they are made out of failure, and yet, he argues, we live in a world that grows increasingly intolerant of failure. Not everybody fails as spectacularly as a doomed Mars mission, but everyone in science has something at stake. Young people in academia feel the pressure to be “failure free” and to present perfect research, he says, never mind that good science is full of wrong turns and false starts. “Everyone wants to write a paper that just shows nothing but the good things,” Manning says. “They don’t talk about the real road of how they got there, do they? The real road is they weren’t even trying to get that answer.” There must be space in science to fail, Manning says. “People who get their hands dirty, who take risks, fail,” Manning says. “I don’t want to see the future of STEM being for people who are risk-avoiders because of their fear of failure. The truth of the matter is, we stumble our way in the dark, and there’s nothing wrong with that. That is the human way, and that’s the way it’s always been. We should celebrate it.”>> Harry