
Jones, Jones, that hurt!

To me you feel mean.  You seem to want me to stop putting messages in the archive.  You have no qualms belittling me with projections of your fears.  You want rationality which is opposite to the Vortex-L mission set by Bill the owner.

You respond as if you thought I was attempting to convert you... my head wags.

You want me embarrassed for my alien speak, and you are a closet woo woo light being convert.  I won't even touch that... where's your rational... it is one hundred percent subjective and different for every persona live.

What else?

Oh, you weren't trying to start a flame war while you were flaming out.

Jones, Jones, I never dropped */your /*name.  I never gave you a moments notice for what you did to Frank Znidarsic's insights.  A monster man destroying hopes (short dick complex).  I think that is a root concern in your apparent demeanor, but not my problem!   Stuff it, gently, minding the corners. You might like it.

I paint you a jealous freak attacking others hard work.

You Jones Beene, know full well your intent, so don't gaslight me!  You are an adversary to my mentor, one I attached to myself.

Oh no! Oh God!  A self-assigned mentor, by an undeserving grasshopper my mentor wouldn't teach! Goshville. Oh Frank.

God Frank!  What AM I to you?  Are you rational and hateful in explanation of your silence to me?  You are the excellent example of gentleman in every character I ever saw you type... you never even bad-mouthed Jones, even though I could tell it hurt deeply. You've always been gentle with me and encouraging in the beginning... when you started.  When I was posting your theory paper at my site.

And am I a fool to you, too, Frank.  How about you, Bill Beaty?

Do I embarrass everyone, or just the Jones groupies and a silent mentor?  What is it that I know that is too much, Frank?  Would you tell me?  Could I have anything to close this wound?

How rational are we?

Wow, Jones... I guess I really got your goat.  My sisters attacked me for wanting a mother's touch while she was rigid, emotionless, and catatonic from so many teen age rapes in Hazard County Kentucky.   You fill my sister's roles, Jones Beene.  You have kept me from feeling like I belong to a family I so needed.

How many other people here feel like Jones toward me?  Don't answer!  I don't want to hear the news from you, Frank, not if it is the same on the same day. Give me some healing time.  This hurts like hell.

Right now any vote of confidence verses similar callus treatment will be a sun beam in my happy days remaining.  Any kindness will make a spot of joy in my tears.

Are there gentlemen and ladies here?  Am I the fool Jones paints me to be?  Is Jones correct as usurping Bill's forum mission and protocol in Vortex-L, and countermanding this Vortex-L mission as if it's Jones' forum and his agenda and his topic and his impatience with others not boosting his dopamine levels with camaraderie?

Or, is that true perhaps, while I have played the fool; a gosh, unaware, inappropriate fool painted true colors by Jones Beene? The forum asshole.  Painted a fool by an asshole.  Wow.

I take the link following to heart now more than ever.

http://localhost/mediawiki/images/Quote-william_gibson_before-you-diagnose-yourself-.jpg <http://localhost/mediawiki/images/Quote-william_gibson_before-you-diagnose-yourself-.jpg>

And I know I'm broken, and I appreciate everyone that has remained silent to not break my brow and my high... the highest my life happiness had ever yet attained.  You guys were an inward joy. Thank you.

The naive woodworker that knows things and repeats them nearly everyday.

Jones, what a service!  You have made it clear to myself that I have been a fool.  Silence from others willing for me to take my bitter medicine will seal my fate of fallen hope.

Thank you for the hurt... mine goes very deep to have separated me this far from recognition of when I am inappropriate. I can't read people and situations dependably at all.  The pain made me. Now I am made stronger and sadder with this pain increased.  I sought audience, and found you all a captive audience.  Nearly mute to me... and now I am naked before everyone that knows what I have been.  But I never knew what Jones Beene says I am.

I thought I was not rejected with my imaginary friends, the Vortex People.  I supposed for not being actively rejected. But I had been all along, just too broken to admit I had no friends.

I'm sorry Frank for what I have been to you.  I'm sorry to have associated my naivete with your agenda.  Is Jones Beene right, Frank?  Is there no rational in supporting motivated naivete?

I hurt.  My broken parts hurt more.  My hopes are daunted. My image of the Vortex People is destroyed.  Who are you people?  Are you like Beene in dislike of my heart song?  Do you kill song birds, Jones Beene, because they have only one song?  A song I had been proud to sing as it represented progress in a life that had no hope of finding friends. I tried to win friends with my song and only now have this legacy of a fool.

Jones, you may be callus and given to hurt people, but I do not believe that you ever intended to hurt me as much as you have, to expose me as you did in audience I had grown to adore... because I thought I had friends.  I hadn't been rejected... rational of a fool.

Jones spoke as if he speaks for you all.

Is that true?

Silence will confirm your rejection.


But hey!  What did you people ever do for me?  I'll try to remember something.  Bill, you shared your rotary success which I appreciate and which means something in my stuff that I know too much about.

Maybe I have shared something to someone here and there that will somehow help.

If there is any comfort from anyone to break a silence that invites me to leave --please please do not share it here, but to

I still seek scientific consult for the data I will be making. It will not be here.

I still hope to share mind-space which is nearly a ... it /IS/ a spiritual thing for me.  But this place has no spirit.

Enjoy the light beings, Jones Beene. They may fill that hollow void.

And I am still a walk-in into a baby that died in diapers.  I literally died on the way to the hospital with anguish that the family rejected me, no touch from mother, and siblings emulating a mother locked in PTSD with no way to show any emotioin to her children.  I was punished for being unhappy in diapers in a family like this one, always ignored.  I was treated like a bad pet that wouldn't stop crying due to the pain of touch deprivation, and punishment for crying about it.  I couldn't breathe any more, and died on route to the hospital.

Something saved me. That something has been rejected.  I am not welcome, the thunderous silence confirms, in response to the something that has been communicating. This dead baby is not welcome.

Truly never was yours,


On 11/6/2021 10:20 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
Oops. Excuse me, Don - as I was not trying to ignite another dead-end and unwinnable UFO flame war.

Maybe that was not your intent in the original posting. But in general, after all these years, if one is trying to win over rationalists to the idea that ET is already amongst us -- is it too much to ask for something new, non-trivial and closer to objective reality?

Name-dropping, mystery physics and/or claimed deep links to secret control organizations is getting kind of passe, no? And normally, the brilliant people of the world do not find it necessary to proclaim their blinding intellect ... "beauty is as beauty does"... to mix metaphors.

Curiously, I have recently listened to the Dorothy Izatt documentary on YT - which is surprisingly convincing (of a real and repeatable phenomenon - AKA the "light beings"). Even so there are semi-mundane explanations for the light beings - a bit more convincing than aliens from another galaxy.

Don  wrote:

Here's a repost of the thread you stepped on surely accidentally, Jones Beene, following.  Do be careful.

When my wife and I had dinner with Jack, he explained that due to his blinding intellect, the government selected him and pays him from a Swiss account with a regular paycheck for life, since he was a student.  He's paid by the gov to think, and the gov hopes he can crack the UFO mystery.  At least that was the gov's hope last millennium.  That's straight from Jack's mouth.

What do you think about that, Jones?


Jack Sarfatti

(On <>)

24 minutes ago (edited)

About: UFO/UAP LIVESTREAM: *Franc Milburn * <>

I am one of Franc's sources. Agents from the CIA/DOD recruited me to work on this UAP problem and the consciousness "hard problem" 50 years ago. See MIT Professor David Kaiser's award-winning book "How the Hippies Saved Physics." The physics explaining UAP time travel is now relatively well understood. A few technical snags is par for the course. I had a direct contact with an intelligence back from the future.

Einstein's General Relativity Field Equation
Guv = 8pi(G/c^4)Tuv
plus quantum physics of materials explains what is going on with UAPs.

It's not that difficult.

Putin's agents interviewed me on this back around 2014 before I with others really solved the basic physics problem. I am beginning to think 34 minutes in that Franc is being fed disinformation. We heard similar stories more than 20 years ago at Joe Firmage's ISSO. The point is that the basic physics is quite elementary and straightforward but the people I know connected to USG on this UAP project are second and third grade physicists and do not really understand what is needed. The problem with Mellon and Elizondo is that they are so lacking in understanding of the physics needed that they are easily fooled. Eric Davis has a personal problem with me going back over several decades and is obstructing progress on the US side. Meanwhile Putin's agents take my ideas very seriously. Obstruction by Eric Davis, Colonel John B Alexander and others stemming partly from my support of Donald Trump has given Putin's physicists and edge in this arms race for Tic Tac Tech. Randolph Stone has not done his job because of them. I have been talking about UFOs from the future since 1973 and an excerpt of a my meeting with Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ at SRI talking about all of this can be heard on my Sound Cloud Channel.

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