
Are increments quantized or associated with some observable repeatable natural 
event. For example, the rotation of an electron’s magnetic field on a toroidal 

Jurg  WYYTTENBACH   considers  a similar proton model   in his SO(4) PHYSICS  

Bob Cook

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From: H LV<mailto:hveeder...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2021 8:35 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: [Vo]:From Atomic Clocks to Nulcear Clocks

Nature article from Feb. 2021:
The thorium-229 low-energy isomer and the nuclear clock.
The 229Th nucleus has an isomeric state at an energy of about 8 eV
above the ground state, several orders of magnitude lower than typical
nuclear excitation energies. This has inspired the development of a
field of low-energy nuclear physics in which nuclear transition rates
are influenced by the electron shell. The low energy makes the 229Th
isomer accessible to resonant laser excitation. Observed in
laser-cooled trapped thorium ions or with thorium dopant ions in a
transparent solid, the nuclear resonance may serve as the reference
for an optical clock of very high accuracy. Precision frequency
comparisons between such a nuclear clock and conventional atomic
clocks will provide sensitivity to the effects of hypothetical new
physics beyond the standard model. Although laser excitation of 229Th
remains an unsolved challenge, recent experiments have provided
essential information on the transition energy and relevant nuclear
properties, advancing the field.
<<The Thorium nuclear clock project aims to implement a new type of
clock – a nuclear clock. Why and how - we explain in this video. For
more information please check our website 


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