If radiative cooling technology, such as


were coupled to thermoelectric materials or to a sterling engine then
electricity could be generated.


On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 9:37 AM Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> The most interesting new - but actually old - engine development (esp. for
> those who think LENR has a future in transportation) is the re-emergence of
> the Stilrling design. This engine design and the Brayton cycle, in general,
> never made the grade for commercialization - before now, at least.
> Change is in the air... so to speak. Unfortunately China, once again, is
> making large engineering gains while we seem to be playing catchup.
> https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1243157.shtml
> Quote: "the basic prototype of China's first large-bore Stirling engine
> successfully conducted the recent performance test... at a rated power of
> 320 kilowatts with a power conversion efficiency of 40 percent, making it
> the most powerful Stirling engine known around the globe."
> There are few if any diesels which can return 40% efficiency but China got
> there on the first prototype,
> The reason that the piston-Sterling could potentially augment LENR is not
> well appreciated either. Basically it is because the Brayton cycle is
> inherently *closed-cycle*. The Stirling can be either piston or turbine
> based, but the piston config is what LENR can possibly optimize with few
> changes.
> IOW the closed-cycle is one way to expose a metal catalyst to a flow of
> hydrogen without combustion of the hydrogen itself.
> Thus, if the working gas contains even a small percentage of  hydrogen and
> the piston crown is coated with nickel/palladium alloy, then extra heat
> could potentially be extracted - on top of the external heat of combustion
> which occurs else where in the design, The LENR would be a booster, so to
> speak,
> Will China be the first to realize this ? They did after all, report on
> replicating Arata and that was a decade ago.
> Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We don't really know how steam engines would have evolved because they
> were out-competed by diesel engines.
> As I recall, the last attempts to compete with Diesel engines was with
> steam turbines. This source says the Union Pacific actually made two steam
> turbine locomotives, and tested them, in 1939 and 1962.

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