A nickel-beryllium alloy could be an interesting and available catalyst for use 
in Mills-Holmlid dense hydrogen research. It would be an active material in 
several ways - used as the target for a high pressure flow of hydrogen. The 360 
alloy is mostly nickel with a few % beryllium and some titanium. 
AFAIK no experimenter has used this alloy in LENR before now. Researchers often 
avoid beryllium, and for good reason.

The premise, or working hypothesis for suggested experiments would be that a 
"halo nucleus" serves a critical function in the completed reaction ... which 
is first based on nickel and titanium as the 'shrinkage' catalysts forming 
dense hydrogen eventually into what can be called theĀ  'pseudo neutron' 
(activated dense hydrogen). In this reaction, beryllium uniquely provides an 
accumulation stage - due entirely to the extended lifetime of the nuclear halo, 
which is unique. Google: halo nucleus.

Beryllium seems to be the only atom in nature which has a long-lived halo 
nucleus feature. More on the details of this (unproved) halo nucleus hypothesis 
later. Anyway, let's hypothesize for now that a pseudo-neutron or even real 
neutrin forms in a halo nucleus if there is enough time for it to react with 
the Universal neutrino flux. 

Halo lifetime is the detail which demands beryllium, despite all its negatives 

In short, the dense hydrogen of Holmlid, captured into the halo by an atom of 
beryllium, eventually can form a neutron due to interaction with natural 
neutrino flux. This reaction is anti-entropic with probability based on 
residence time in the background flux. 

Thus, beryllium could be the magic element which optimizes the conversion of 
dense hydrogen into thermal energy (possibly via boron-8 instability). It would 
only works at all since beryllium has a unique long-lived and relatively stable 
halo-nucleus property.

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