According to the standard radiation paradigm cooling radiation does not
exist. The paradigm teaches that whenever we think we have observed cooling
radiation we have mistaken an apparent phenomena for a real phenomena.
However, we should not have to appeal to a paradigm to include or exclude
ideas about radiation. Instead we should be able to design and build an
apparatus which can unambiguously differentiate between apparent cooling
radiation and real cooling radiation.

Currently this paradigm is so deeply rooted in the minds of most scientists
who study and manipulate radiation, that even if such an apparatus were
accidently built and used, it is likely the scientific community would fail
to recognise the theory had been contradicted by nature. The scientific
community would continue to frame and explain the results using the old
paradigm rather than the truth, because it is not unusal for a false theory
to continue to be useful in many contexts. Only a pathbreaking technology
that was explicitly designed using the new pardigm to achieve results that
would be unattainable within the old paradigm would be capable of
reorienting the scientific community towards the truth.

Dream on.


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