Here is the first draft of my presentation at ICCF24:

Rothwell, J. *How to fix global warming with cold fusion.* in *ICCF24
Solid-state Energy Summit.* 2022. Mountain View, CA.

Suggestions and corrections are welcome.

If anyone else here would like me to upload your ICCF24 paper before the
proceedings are published, just send me a copy. As you know, it takes a
long time to publish the proceedings.

This is written in the stodgy academic style. The video talk was more fun,
with silly comments and a nice photo of Arthur Clark with his pet dinosaur.
Also this great quote from a magazine article by Winston Churchill:

If the hydrogen atoms in a pound of water could be prevailed upon to combine
together and form helium, they would suffice to drive a thousand horsepower
engine for a whole year. . . . Schemes of cosmic magnitude would become
feasible. Geography and climate would obey our orders. Fifty thousand tons
of water . . ., would, if exploited as described, suffice to shift Ireland
to the middle of the Atlantic.

- Churchill, W., Fifty Years Hence, in Strand Magazine. 1931.

Churchill was a smart cookie. In this article he also predicted *in vitro* meat
production (cultured meat).

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