Eric Lerner argues the "unexpected" data from the JWST is expected in an
non-expanding universe. Of course if the universe is not expanding he also
says explaining the hubble redshift relation would require some new physics.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 7:32 PM Jones Beene <> wrote:

> As Lerner admits, the CMB is the main thing which is holding the big bang
> theory together.
> Yet the 'experts' really can't explain exactly how CMB radiation, which is
> moving away from us at light-speed from a single point in time, manages to
> somehow magically be reflected back so as to be observed by us as a rather
> strong signal.
> Maybe CMB should not be observable in 3 space at all.
> IOW - it can be argued that the cosmic background is itself poorly
> understood and not the best feature with which to base important derivative
> theories on (like the big bang)...
> H LV <> wrote:
> Eric Lerner comments on the first data from the JWST:
> The Big Bang didn't happen
> What do the James Webb images really show?
> Eric Lerner's claims are deflated in this article:
> Harry

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