Lots of amazing discoveries to plough through so i'll try keep it brief,
however a certain minimum of word-space is required just to summarise
current findings:

 • there are multiple different alien beings visiting constantly

 • there are multiple different humanoids using saucer craft

ie. implying independent co-discovery of convergent solutions, or else some
degree of cross-pollination

 • these include bug-eyed bipeds of various sizes, but predominantly smaller

 • there may be at least one distinctly human-like form, air-breathing,

 • our relationship to these particular folk remains opaque; we may be in
contact, albeit in very much a subservient role

 • the overwhelming majority of sightings may be related to one of the
above races; which, remains unclear

 • the alien in question i can only thus far identify as 'the box-orb
people' - their saucers deploy and collect box-orbs

 • their saucers each appear able to accommodate perhaps a dozen
'normal'-sized box-orb craft:  accordingly, box-orb sightings may be 10x
more common than saucers

 • both box-orbs and saucers make extensive use of metamaterial
constructions, sharing many advanced features and abilities

 • this metamaterial technology is very highly scalable - craft as large as
anything in sci-fi are regularly imaged by various systems...

 • ...conversely, units as small as insects are also occasionally captured
on film..!

 • these miniature alien craft present a particularly compelling study
specimen, as encounters invariably occur at point-blank ranges

For instance, with multiple independent 1080p / 60 Hz captures we can
observe refraction anomalies / warping of background imagery,
photo-electric interactions with ambient or applied lighting, material
interactions with their surrounding environment, kinematic characteristics
(how they move), and perhaps deduce something more of their behaviour,
purpose and intentions.

One particular hypothesis that appears bolstered by these most remarkable
captures is a potential solution to the so-called 'five observables':

  • we're seeing a propulsion mode that eschews classical translation -
and, thus, acceleration, inertia, momentum, KE and dissipation - for a
process of controlled, continual high-frequency quantum tunnelling;  the
frequency constantly variable, but generally above ~60 Hz

That is, 60 FPS video of these craft at a range of a few centimetres from
the camera clearly shows accelerating motion as a series of 'quantum leaps'
rising in frequency into an effectively-continuous motion.. thus implying
higher frame-rates will push back that illusion of translation a little

In principle each jump might be as small as a Planck length, with a very
high cycle frequency..  conversely however this would also account for the
larger-scale flitting about observed when these saucers engage their
hyperdrives - an effect i'd somewhat-awkwardly dubbed 'transient positional
indeterminacies', assuming it a consequence of en masse position / momentum
covariance - but it would also obviate the questions re. sourcing and
sinking of KE and momentum, absence of dissipation effects etc.   For
reasons i'll expand on below, high-speed IR footage would seem the ideal
way to test this conjecture, however this kind of kit ain't cheap..

 • saucers - the ones responsible for the box-orbs, at any rate - appear to
switch between at least two distinct forms of propulsion, characterised as
'red glow' mode, and 'white glow' mode; the former associated with general
flight, landing, deployment and collection of box-orbs, the latter with
non-Newtonian characteristics and macro-scale quantum effects

 • white-glow mode involves hypersonic acceleration, and spontaneously
hyperspacing in a brilliant flash of rapidly-shrinking white light,
sometimes square-shaped

 • additionally, often square-shaped flashes of white light are seen to pop
off around the craft in this mode

 • a white-glowing square shape may envelope the saucer, only the rim /
flange protruding at the sides

 • the actual position of the craft may appear to jump around erratically
within a finite radius, reminiscent of a quantum object

 • the red glow is predominantly reported as more pronounced from the
craft's lower portions or underside, often together with a red light on top

 • the red glow can vary in intensity, from a dull brown to bright orange,
perhaps indicative of thermal load..

At this point it may be worth noting a point Rossi's paper invokes: cold
plasmas induced via high dv/dt electrostatic impulses spontaneously form
low-entropy states consolidating Fermi numbers, and so restricting thermal
degrees of freedom for expressing / embodying heat energy;  cooling / heat
exchange might thus pose a critical engineering problem in mass-scale
quasi-bosonic aggregates, and inadvertent over-heating may be a common
failure mode in saucer crashes.  One such incident caught on video seems
highly consistent with such a vulnerability - which in turn, one may
suppose, might be targetable as a potential mitigation strategy.

 • so-called 'angel hair' - glowing, dissipating fibrous material often
ejected by UAP - may be a high-specific-heat ejectable heat-sink

Video is indexed apparently showing UAP absorbing weapons fire (from our
militaries) whilst dripping this mysterious material..

As such it seems reasonable to assume that some kind of IR signature will
always be present, even when an object's cloaked at visual ranges.  This is
why high-speed IR photography would be the best way to detect if their
motion's classical or quantum in nature.

A further, perhaps highly-relevant point may apply here:

 • note that there is at least one recurrent form of saucer that DOESN'T
conform to any of the above characteristics;  specifically the saucers
listed under the 'scanners' section, which remain uncorrelated with the
box-orbs, red / white glow modes or any of the above findings..  This
thing's like a giant frog-eyed Xerox machine, a series of red lights on
stalks along the top, with great sweeping beams projecting down from

..hence what if there is an adversarial relationship between two or more
different or competing technology bases?  Whose territory are we an outpost
of?  Is the perennial question of why such capable craft keep crashing here
resolved in the context of an alien cold war - incursions being shot down
by disrupting their heat-handling abilities?  Are the multitudinous hordes
of box-orbs being filmed everywhere part of some other civilisation's 'star
wars' programme?  IOW the object of their interest not so much us, as other
potential interlopers?

The most compelling descriptions of the purportedly human-like visitors
must be those of Charles James Hall's 'tall whites' whom he claims have
established an embassy at Nellis AFB.  YouTube user UFOs Over Vegas has
been regularly filming UAP coming and going there for many years, and just
last week caught some kind of saucer craft in red-glow mode, apparently
morphing while flitting about (see the 'mace' section of the list below,
but i highly recommend all content on his channel).

The saucers described in most crash reports OTOH relate to smaller bug-eyed
humanoids.  Both, apparently, make extensive use of fibre-optic coils.
Which of these likely suspects are actually the box-orb people remains
unclear however - the miniature box-orbs for example are only seen
self-replicating or quantum-teleporting, so who or what is initially
releasing or controlling them is unknown.  Instinctively one might suppose
that such small craft must require larger supports nearby, yet their
observed abilities throw all such assumptions into doubt.  They appear to
possess a large degree of autonomy, consistent with either remote drone /
avatar tech, or else perhaps AI.  These miniature craft also appear able to
pass through other solid matter to some extent, such as glass or perhaps
walls too..

A particularly unexpected phenomenon however has been associated with the
larger, 'normal-sized' box-orbs / rectangular hexahedrons / orange orbs
(same craft):

 • they sometimes telepathically communicate with, and 'scan', human

I'm obviously well aware how crazy that sounds.  Note that i do not
interpret this as implying anything paranormal or supernatural (no
dualisms!) - indeed my own studies into cognitive science are quite
independently supportive of such possibilities - however the point is that
these compelling witness testimonies imply that these larger box-orbs are
either vehicles, drones or AI.  They're somewhat understandably
condescending, yet curious and apparently largely observing a 'no-harm'
policy.  They demonstrate a sense of humour - sometimes even sky-writing
figures!  Contrary to all of my earlier thoughts on the matter, box-orbs or
else their parent saucers, are very highly likely to be responsible for
many if not most crop circles - this is precisely in line with their
mischievous streak!

Sometimes however they're less considerate, seemingly deliberately exposing
witnesses to injurious radiation.  On this point, it might be of note that
box-orbs do not appear to appreciate being illuminated or pointed at with
flash-lights or lasers - making sharp evasive manoeuvres, sometimes
flashing back brightly, but occasionally approaching the individual in a
high-energy state and clearly emitting broad-spectrum EM at the very least,
if not novel condensed-matter, highly-reactive species..  radiant heat is
felt, and injuries include burns and cancers.

In contrast, a preponderance of school playground encounters with saucers
piloted by smaller bug-eyed bipeds display neither red nor white glow
modes;  a conscientious safety concession to the children, perhaps?

A further trait characteristic of the box-orb people is an interest in

 • footage is shown of box-orbs - some accompanied by their parent saucers
- apparently mining active volcanos

Just last week the current eruption in Iceland was visited over a period of
days, all caught on film (highly recommended viewing).  There's recovered
UAP fragments you can see on YT consisting of rough-hewn strata of
high-purity magnesium and bismuth, with a surface appearance visually
consistent with close-up daytime footage of box-orbs, implying this is
likely a piece of one, but more to the point that they're reliant on
certain material resources..

On a related point, further footage of the 'tethering' behaviour has been
captured, perhaps revealing more of its purpose:

 • specifically, upon wiring up like this, they either float or shoot off
as a unit, or else after some time they part, recombine and then hyperspace!

Thus it seems likely that at least one purpose of tethering is part of the
preparatory process for a subsequent hyperspace jump.  At a guess, simply
consolidating AI / ferrying may be another.

 • 3-way, and not just 2-way, tethers are now also apparent

No idea what the upper limit may be, but tight equilateral triangular
formations are seen with a thin tether forming all three sides.

In yet another recent development, new types of what appear to be some kind
of drone craft are showing up over UK and USA;  whereas in June / July
small tumbling cubes were being seen at about 300 m to 1 km height (i
watched one myself for some minutes over Gunnersbury park), throughout
August we've had a proliferation of small black 'ring'-shaped craft with a
thin cross-section, the central feature either a hole or else glowing

The insect-sized box-orbs also appear to be comprised of a ring-like flat
disc mostly oriented horizontally to the ground, sometimes curled into a
Pringle shape suggestive of a hyperboloid / object in ADS space, however
these rings are semi-translucent white, cloud-like with perhaps the
faintest hint of a central rectangular polyhedron, rather than the graphite
black of the new drones seen over cities.  Like the cubes, these new craft
follow a meandering course, rotating about their axes as they translate,
but headed in a general direction rather than loitering like many of the
larger box-orbs.

Simply scrolling through the evidence, you will undoubtedly encounter many
other compelling discoveries i've simply neglected to mention here, other
pressing, surely causal, consistencies; as ever, the most informative
insights are not found in any individual capture, so much as in the
correlations and cross-corroborations only readily apparent from a large
sample size.  This, is where progress continues..

Here's the link to the list again - still updated daily:


All-in-one text file; disable word-wrap (my desktop's 2400x1200), just
scroll down noting the various categories and side-notes accompanying each
example.  All conclusions above are documented therein.

In conclusion, we're being surveilled, at both coarse and fine scales, by
at least one in particular, but perhaps multiple, highly-advanced alien
technology bases.  Their activity has been increasing in recent years,
though they've been here and interacting since at least the 1930's.  The
air-breathing humanoids speak English and Spanish, at least, the LGM in
enviro-suits apparently communicating more like hypno-toads, retinal
phase-conjugation entangling limbic systems perhaps (?) but instilling
strongly emphatic or emotionally-manipulative impressions during moments of
eye-contact.  They seem to posses good anatomical knowledge of us and our
general biology, and obviously know our critical flicker frequencies (we've
been broadcasting them for decades), optical and auditory ranges, much
about our cultures and presumably, history - one particular point of note
here being that GR only requires the singular concession of FTL
communication to grant prescience of our future;  perhaps, far, far in
advance..  it seems all but inevitable that our interactions with these
beings are going to eventually culminate in open discourse..  in some kind
of recognisable 'D-day' or official disclosure..  and then, what -
'alliance', if of a particularly one-sided nature?  How big is any such
alliance already, what are its ethics, aims, antagonists etc.?

In the meantime however there are more profound and detailed revelations
condensed into that single text file i've linked above, than might ever be
anticipated from an official data dump by the authorities, at least from
progress thus far.  This may soon change, as decades-old NDA's are waived
allowing more witnesses to come forwards, but for heaven's sake, if you've
ever even wondered about our place in the cosmos, SETI, or perhaps why
we're the only great ape with cartilaginous noses and sweat glands (pigs
being our closest relative sharing these traits) amongst other
developmental mysteries, reviewing this evidence base is guaranteed to
reshape all paradigms..  I implore everyone, if nothing else, to at least
start out with the 'miniatures' section, and can promise you'll then be
compelled enough to work upwards in scale to the larger box-orbs and saucer
techs.  This is, without equal, the most incredible discovery in our
history, an entirely grass-roots exposé that doesn't require us to wait for
anyone else to play catch-up..

PS: fuggit, just to let the dog see the rabbit:


MUTE AUDIO: again, we're dealing with a technologically-magical phenomenon,
unscientific minds only able to interpret in supernatural terms, and as
you'll see, these tiny ones seem unfortunately attracted to hippies (or
perhaps their ornamental gardens?), appearing much like mythical fairies
and forest nymphs etc. - in retrospect, they may well BE those entities of
lore - so just mute it, imagine some Chopin or something but don't say i
didn't warn you..  There are other examples easier on the ears, but this
one's about as independent of anything to do with UFOlogy as you'll get,
while utterly mesmerising in its casual flaunting of all physical and
biological norms..

Didn't wanna spam embedded videos but see what i mean now?  (Ha!  You see
aliens!  You so crazy!)  This is from the 'miniatures' section (there's
plenty more video of them there, from other sources).  Check out the
saucer-plus-box-orbs capture at the Iceland volcano last week, or any of
the teleporting / hyperspacing / tethering examples.  Check out the various
military engagements.  See the fleets of box-orbs, loitering or rapidly
translating - see how members within a group maintain individual autonomy
and self-determination.  See the sky-writing examples, the giant cubes,
'scanner' saucers:  almost beyond sci-fi, isn't it..?

Where is the global scientific establishment in all this?  'Woosh'..
Tumble-weeds.. 'Disclosure' is down to us; get up to speed and spread your
own findings!  We need instruments on this thing, like yesterday..

High-speed IR cams start at around £3 - 4 k, but then you need a host of
supporting kit, decent optical zoom, tripod, power, and somewhere to site
it all with a good chance of capture etc. etc.

Cheap IR monocular cameras are available on Amazon, 8x optical zoom for
under £50, obviously far from ideal but it's either that or perhaps making
something using a bunch of AMG8833 8x8 modules at 10 Hz each -
interpolated, 12 providing an effective 120 Hz for example, but then you'd
still need optics and ideally twist-zoom..  nothing under 60 Hz is going to
catch much besides effectively-continuous motion though i suspect..  I read
one YT comment from a guy who bought an IR cam, filled an HDD with footage
then just couldn't see any point in filling up another one, and now just
watches from the veranda occasionally, but i have this clear objective of a
falsifiable hypothesis..  I just can't afford to test it; it really needs
the resources of well-funded, concerted project..

Anyhoos, soz again for the long post, but talk about once in a lifetime eh..


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