The static magnetic field produced by the magnetic moment has mass and can be calculated according Mills. But this energy is not free! It belongs to the electron/proton.

An EM radiation field contains mass-like energy that shine up at the moment the field resonates in a receiver. Basically the Lorenz force moves electrons. EM radiation fields are the only fields that contain real "free" (independent) energy.

The B field of a moving electron contains energy that is coupled to the current. It can be used to locally transport energy e.g. in transformers.

Basically you can produce a current even with the earth magnet field (may be the case you -Chris Zell - mentioned)  by changing its flux through a "closed" wire like a coil. But for this you have to invest mechanical energy.

Finally there is the 130 years old Poincaré equation ::dm = E/c^2

that describes the relation between EM energy=E and mass.


On 29.08.2022 16:00, Chris Zell wrote:

I don’t understand what “EM mass” means. Can a EMF field have mass?

I have a practical reason for asking. Once Upon A Time, there was a sketchy character named Mark who produced a strange device that pulled electricity out of nowhere – even though it was little more than a coil. There are still videos of this.

Observers said it had an odd gyroscopic effect in handling it. So, maybe he discovered some strange rotating field effect……. But how to explain the gyroscopic “feel” to it?  I don’t think about electrical or magnetic fields as having any “feelable” mass, however they might move or pulse.

Oh, and read Bernardo Kastrup’s books about consciousness. He is gonzo deep.  Such as his book “Materialism Is Baloney”.

*From:* Jürg Wyttenbach <>
*Sent:* Monday, August 29, 2022 6:35 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Max Planck quote

According to the new SO(4) physics model all mass is EM mass and as a such can go into resonance with all other EM mass. If the energies match then an action may happen. Even more interesting is that EM fields in fact act/resonate instantaneously. Only a follow up mass like action is limited to the speed of light. The transfer of information = change in quantum configuration is not bound to energy. So factually all mass bound "information states" in the universe can be in direct contact and exchange information.

Consciousness awareness is the highest level of culture we can attain. But I doubt that dumb animals feel unhappy about not knowing that they exist. In fact this knowledge is the biggest burden we carry and as it look now mankind is unable to do so. (See also the movie planet of the monkeys).

So before we discuss about the fiction of a big bang we have 100000% more important problems to solve.

Help to save the planet.E.g. by supporting Russ George and his OPR work. Or by supporting our cold fusion work that is 100% reproducible.


On 29.08.2022 12:07, Jonathan Berry wrote:

    Consider if there was no consciousness, matter and stars and life,
    but no consciousness, it is beyond comprehension,

    If something isn't seen by consciousness, does it really exist? 
    Quantum physics often suggests it doesn't!

    After all we know that it's not just the photon, but also the
    electron that acts as a wave, not just the electron but the atom,
    not just the atom but the molecule that acts in a state of

    Where does this end?  Perhaps it only ends at consciousness,
    consciousness collapses the possibilities into a single reality.

    Think of it, can subatomic particles just by chance make atoms,
    atoms just by chance make chemicals/molecules, chemicals just by
    chance forms life, life just by chance forms a brain and
    consciousness, consciousness without which all of the rest would
    be a meaningless unacknowledged phenomena.

    If computation cannot explain the bringing forth of presence,
    awareness, then consciousness isn't made by matter.

    If consciousness isn't made by matter then there are two

    Firstly, that consciousness and matter are two independent
    phenomena neither causing the other.

    Or secondly, that matter is manifested by consciousness.

    We seem to find some evidence for the latter phenomena, evidence
    that consciousness affects reality, this would seem unlikely or
    absurd if consciousness were a mere product of calculation.

    Indeed Quantum physics has found reliable evidence that
    consciousness can affect matter.

    Consciousness is similar to existence, you can't contemplate
    non-existence as if there were a period of non-existence there
    would be no experience of it, no times, no consciousness.

    In the same way, existence without consciousness is either absurd
    or at least without any possible value.

    So consciousness is as essential as exististance, consciousness is

    Most (all) apparent unconsciousness is just a lower level of

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis
+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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