I uploaded this manual:

Pons, S. and M. Fleischmann, *The ICARUS Systems, Isoperibolic Calorimetry:
Acquisition, Research, and Utilities System*. 1995, Tokyo, Japan: Technova,
Inc., 175 pages.


My introduction:

This document is a user manual for the ICARUS system used by Technova at
the NHE laboratory in Sapporo, Hokkaido. This was written by Stanley Pons
and Martin Fleischmann, probably mainly by Pons, judging by some of the
recommended techniques.

Appendix B is an interesting look at the boil off data described in their

Fleischmann, M. and S. Pons. *Calorimetry of the Pd-D2O System: from
Simplicity via Complications to Simplicity*.

It includes data in 285 second increments, spanning 50,735 seconds (14
hours) which is more detail than has been published up until now.

Dr. Melvin Miles was a guest researcher at the NHE in 1998. See:

Miles, M., *Report on Calorimetric Studies at the NHE Laboratory in
Sapporo, Japan.* Infinite Energy, 2000. *5*(30): p. 22

He acquired this copy during his stay there. He wrote a number of notes and
observations in this copy in red ink. We could have removed these red ink
notes with digital processing, but we left them because we thought that
readers would be interested in them. (Note that on a few pages, red ink
underlines converted to black. All underlines were added by Miles.)

Miles thinks that the NHE researchers neglected to use some of the
techniques described in this manual, especially when they assumed there was
no excess heat in the beginning of the experiment, which caused a large
error the lower bound method of calorimetry. See pages 32 – 36:

Rothwell, J., *Review of the calorimetry of Fleischmann and Pon*s.


Fleischman had a low opinion of the work done at the NHE. He discussed this
in his letters and papers:

Fleischmann, M. and M. Miles, *Critique of N.H.E. Paper by Saito et al.*


Fleischmann, M. and M. Miles, *Letters from Martin Fleischmann to Melvin


(This is a long document. Do a search for “NHE” to find his comments.)

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