The recurring concept of monism:

*Nathan Seiberg, a leading string theorist at the Institute for Advanced
Study at Princeton, is not alone in his sentiment when he states, “I’m
almost certain that space and time are illusions. These are primitive
notions that will be replaced by something more sophisticated.” Moreover,
in most scenarios proposing emergent space-times, entanglement plays the
fundamental role. As philosopher of science Rasmus Jaksland points out,
this eventually implies that there are no individual objects in the
universe anymore; that everything is connected with everything else:
“Adopting entanglement as the world making relation comes at the price of
giving up separability. But those who are ready to take this step should
perhaps look to entanglement for the fundamental relation with which to
constitute this world (and perhaps all the other possible ones).” Thus,
when space and time disappear, a unified One emerges.*

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