
The governments of various countries appear worried about declining population, 
because it means that there are ever
fewer young people to support ever more old people, and hence take measures to 
increase the birth rate.

This is short sighted policy.

As a planet we would be well served by a smaller population, that places less 
stress on the environment. True, that
leads to a few hardships in the near term, but once the "baby-boomers" die, 
removing the "bulge" from the population
curve, the mismatch between young and old will be gone.

It has been said that "if we don't decrease the birth rate, to restrict the 
impact of the human population on the Earth,
then nature will restrict the population by increasing the death rate."

This is how populations change in nature. As humans we have a choice that the 
rest of nature does not have.

The economic impact of an aging population can be mitigated by increasing 
automation, which makes it possible for fewer
young people to continue to produce enough to support the elderly. When the 
elderly die, some of the machines can simply
be turned off, and recycled. This method of regulating production is faster and 
less painful than trying to manipulate
the size of the population. Furthermore automated production can be ramped up 
or down at will, within limits, allowing
production to follow demand closely. 
Cloud storage:-

Unsafe, Slow, Expensive 

...pick any three.

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