leaking pen <itsat...@gmail.com> wrote:

WASHINGTON — The Energy Department concluded with "low confidence"
that the Covid-19
> pandemic
> <https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/covid-19-urges-investigation-chinese-wuhan-lab-leak-theory-rcna32910>
>  "likely"
> originated from a laboratory leak
> <https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/lab-leak-theory-science-scientists-rcna1191>
>  in
> Wuhan . . .

> Thats... not how reports work.  On the question of, is it likely that
> covid came from a lab leak, the data says, low confidence.
> That means NO. it did not .

Putting aside the issue of COVID, I think the expression:

"conclude with low confidence that X is likely . . ."

. . . is a convoluted way of saying: "X is probably true, but the evidence
is thin and it is only somewhat probable. Slightly more probable than not."

It is a confusing, poorly framed way of saying this, but I think that is
what it means. I wouldn't want to have to translate it into Japanese.

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