LIGO is based on the most severe error made by a physics Phd ever. The guy did claim that the gravitation force induced by quadrupol radiation !!!!!!! will compress the tube in a way that the mirrors get closer. Unluckily he has forgotten that steel has a different compressibility than free space... So the force should be about 10E30 stronger.

The other problem is that radiation needs acceleration in +  and - direction what is impossible for mass as mass is not coupled by a light speed like force....

So LIGO theory is garbage but...

A B-B (black hole black hole) merger leads to a series of huge EM pulses with at least a 10E30 larger energy output than that from gravity. What LIGO finally measures is the toroidal EM pulse wave produced by the B-B merger. This wave finally does compress the LIGO steel tube!

Pulsars are even stranger as there the fast rotation leads to a relativistic surface speed, what does focus the radiation in a plane what we then measure as a pulse.

After finding the problem I discussed it with some GR folks on RG. They then tried to rescue the erroneous assumptions by stating that the force just would compress the space inside the tube. This of course is also garbage from theorists that have no clue that the steel will as any other medium transform the wave before it reaches the inside. Or simply said a Nobel has been given for a very good experiment with a dilettante explanation... Final solution:: Shut down the RG discussion thread...

Fact:: There are no separate gravitation waves as physically it is impossible to produce them ( no light speed like action!!) . All waves we measure are EM waves and of course the SO(4) physics model explains how the EM force called gravity is produced by a proton electron - proton system.


On 25.04.2023 01:43, wrote:

INMHO the gravity field is actually the additive summation  of magmatic dipole randomly oriented in space that make up the mass of the earth.

The velocity of an  energetic  “gravity” wave observed by LIGIO *TRAVELED AT THE SAME VELOCITY  as light produced by merger of 2 neutron stare *


*Magnetic permeability of space is a natural constant the controls  the velocity of light in empty space.*


*Bob Cook*


*From: *H Ucar <>
*Sent: *Tuesday, April 11, 2023 3:25 PM
*To: *
*Subject: *[Vo]:Magnetically chained bodies using rotating fields

I recently realized setups where two magnetic bodies are held in air chained manner. However the middle body is an arrangement of two dipole magnets and a steel piece instead of a single magnet. Anyway this is the first time two magnetic bodies having full degrees of freedom get bound by the help of an external rotating field and the gravity.

The Twitter channel also has some threads explaining the effect and giving details.


Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
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