This is the article related to a research that I made in early 2021 and
recently submitted to a preprint server. The below comment summarizes the


The Richtungsquantelung (directional quantization) hypothesis leads to the
Stern-Gerlach experiment in 1922. This experiment shows that a silver atom
sent with random orientation becomes polarized both in parallel and
antiparallel orientation with respect to a magnetic field it traverses.
This result caused serious difficulties within classical physics and shaped
the emerging quantum mechanics. However in this article
<>*) titled "Directional quantization
of an oscillatory magnetic dipole moment associated with a moment of
inertia", it is shown that a similar result can obtained within classical
physics if one performs such an experiment with a magnet having oscillatory
dipole with asymmetry (for example an electromagnet driven by an AC but
having a DC bias) instead of a permanent magnet. This dual alignment
behavior is explained with Landau’s Effective Potential model which is also
used in the Kapitza pendulum (inverted pendulum). This result leads to the
question whether half spin particles can have rapidly oscillating magnetic
moments while we are only aware of their time averages.

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