The first law is specifically framed in terms of 'closed systems', yet what
constitutes full thermodynamic enclosure is always open to question.
Fundamentally, the system has to be open to a fundamental force constant,
and time.  That could be the EM force constant, alpha, or the gravitational
constant G etc., these reducing to effective time rates of exchange of
momenta or ±dp/dt, in turn opening the possibility of divergent inertial
reference frames and hence a breakdown of conservation of energy between
velocity frames.  OU systems more generally are 'inadvertently /
inexplicably open thermodynamic systems', where one might superficially
expect them to be closed and isolated, such that ie. calorimetry would be
defeated. Historically, Bessler's wheel was a legit claim, repeatedly
demonstrated and accredited to the highest standards; i suspect Rossi's
eCat is also legit, probably Ylidiz too, but as ever the challenge is
figuring out HOW and why the effect is being generated, taming what most
dismiss as an invisible pink elephant..

The whole field's still marred in conflicted thinking, on both sides..
'perpetual motion' simply Newton's first law, pending some external force
acting to change it..  OU - together with under-unity (AKA non-dissipative
loss mechanisms) - are a spectrum-condition of novel I/O force / space /
time asymmetries, as i say, pivoting on fundamental force constants and
time..  That is, to play the energy game you first have to play the
momentum game, challenging N2 (F=mA and its inversions) and N3
(instantaneous equality of momenta and counter-momenta).  OU / UU means a
divergent inertial frame; that is, one proceeding without inertial
interaction with its environment, and this applies equally to classical EM
theory as mechanics.  In other words caveat emptor - there's always a
corresponding entropy change, somewhere.. what matters is that the worst
effects of any resulting fallout are anticipated and mitigated.  No
free-energy panacea, no actions without consequences.  The vacuum is
obviously not 'nothing', and engineering it is not something you wanna be
doing inadvertently (see how big-rip scenarios are contingent on localised
variations in the strength of the Higgs interaction triggering runaway
equilibration of false-vacuum potentials and collapse into a lower or
true-vacuum state, for instance).  Bessler's five-week demonstration of his
largest, most-powerful wheel at castle Weissenstein through winter 1717 is
coincident with the Christmas storms of 1717 that devastated the NW
European coastline weeks later; resting momentum states are not disturbed
lightly or trivially..

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