The law of Faraday is very clear any change in magnetic flux induces charge hence a field.

Many untrained physicists write j (current) instead of q what is wrong. To measure a current you have to cut the ring (rim) of charges what leads to dragging forces and movement of charge over e.g. a conductor.

The other things most theoretical physicists get wrong is that they believe you can make a derivative of charge and flux at the same point (4 potential) what is total garbage but nevertheless used in QED...Flux has to fill an area (from a volume) and charge occurs at the edge.

May be once read the good old Jackson that explains tat the vector potential only can be used in the far field.


On 19.03.2024 19:40, H L V wrote:
The question of whether the magnetic field rotates in the faraday disc generator is a question that is related to aether theories in particular or  any theory of privileged reference frames in general. It got me wondering if there are alternate ways to test for the presence of an aether or a privileged frame of reference that do not involve interferometers and radiation.  I am not sure why interferometers became the experiment de jour for detecting such things, but they have been studied to death and the null result is still open to interpretation.

Hendrik Lorentz argued on the basis of Maxwell's theory of EM that a stationary magnet has no electric field and that a moving magnet does have an electric field. When he says a moving magnet he clearly states the magnet is moving with uniform velocity. The appearance of this electric field bothered Einstein, because it led to conflicting accounts of how a magnet induces a current in a coil depending on whether the coil was at rest or the magnet was at rest. He didn't like nature exhibiting laws which changed according to their frame of reference. He developed his special theory of relativity, in part, to avoid this conflict.

Mathematical and principled arguments aside, was Lorentz's claim ever directly tested? i.e. Has anyone tried to measure the electric field around a moving magnet without the use of a conducting coil? eg. an electroscope can measure an electric field without moving relative to the field. Or am I missing something about the nature of the produced electric field in this case that would prevent such a measurement?


On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 12:25 PM Jürg Wyttenbach <> wrote:

    As most might know, in physics we only know force fields. Thus so
    called field lines (magnet field) are equipotential cuts of the
    space covered by fields. Of course you never can draw such a line
    as all sources are in constant motion/rotation.

    The static magnetic field is a special case as it is a part of the
    atoms mass that form out the field. This field is attached but
    with the same restrictions as above. The only real "energy" field
    is the EM field produced by an active sender. Here of course no
    stable lines occur - only in case of a cavity with a
    sender-resonance we call receiver.

    Key is the understanding that in physics a field must have a
    source and a sink. From this point of view most so called
    mathematical physics (tensor...) field theory simply is nonsense.

    There are far to many simplifications in physics models as
    historically only point field equations could be solved. As a
    consequence of this, one thing most did miss is:  Total potentials
    almost never are 1/r. Total because we no longer deal with a 
    single point....


    On 14.03.2024 16:02, H L V wrote:
    Another visualization of the behaviour of magnetic fields without
    the concept of lines of force.
    When the magnet is moved around it simply changes the orientation
    of all the little compass needles.
    The notion of  lines of force tends to make one think the
    magnetic field is somehow mechanically
    attached to the magnet so that the centre point of each needle
    must change position in order to match
    the motion of the magnetic.


    On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 11:16 AM H L V <> wrote:

        Here is a physical demonstration of the situation using a
        The ferrofluid does not rotate with the cylindrical magnet,
        which supports the idea that the magnet's field does not
        rotate with the magnet.
        (There is a little bit of movement but the narrator explains
        that this movement arises from the field not being
        perfectly symmetrically.and homogeneous).


        On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 12:40 AM H L V <>

            It depends what you mean by a field. If you imagine the
            field is made of wire-like filaments which are fastened
            to an atom then you would expect the field to translate
            and rotate whenever the atom translates and rotates. On
            the other hand if you imagine the field is a vector field
            then the field never really needs to move. Instead the
            direction of the magnitude of the vector at each point in
            space updates as the atom moves through that vector
            space. The way the vector field changes as the atom
            rotates and translates gives the appearance of a field
            that is moving as if it were fastened to the atom.


            On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 1:41 PM Robin
            <> wrote:

                In reply to  H L V's message of Tue, 5 Mar 2024
                09:28:31 -0500:

                You don't need an experiment to figure this out. The
                field obviously rotates with the magnet.
                This is because the field is not a single entity. It
                is the sum of all the tiny fields created by the
                electrons attached
                to individual atoms, so when the magnet rotates, the
                atoms all move, taking their individual fields with
                them. We know
                they do this because when the magnet is moved
                sideways, instead of rotating, the field moves
                sideways as well. IOW, the
                atomic fields are attached to their individual atoms.
                There is no reason this should change when rotation
                is involved
                rather than translation.

                >Resolving the paradox of unipolar induction: new
                experimental evidence on
                >the influence of the test circuit (Free to download.
                Published 2022)

                Robin van Spaandonk

                Drive your electric car every second day and recharge
                it from solar panels on your roof on the alternate days.
                The other days, drive your spouses car, and do the
                same with it.

-- Jürg Wyttenbach
    Bifangstr. 22
    8910 Affoltern am Albis

    +41 44 760 14 18
    +41 79 246 36 06

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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