In reply to  Jürg Wyttenbach's message of Mon, 1 Apr 2024 22:56:25 +0200:
>Uranium is at least 10'000x more harmless than Plutonium....

Storing plutonium is wasteful anyway. Use it as fuel.

>So its a bad idea...
>On 01.04.2024 21:10, Robin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Why not store nuclear waste in worked out Uranium mines? After all, "nuclear 
>> material" was stored there for billions of
>> years before we dug it up.
>> Crypto currency mining deliberately wastes energy.
>> Surely there is a better way to do this?
>> Regards,
>> Robin van Spaandonk

Robin van Spaandonk

Drive your electric car every second day and recharge it from solar panels on 
your roof on the alternate days.
The other days, drive your spouses car, and do the same with it.

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