For some reason I feel sanguine about AI. Maybe because I have seen in some
detail how poorly it works, and how limited it is. Don't get me wrong: it
is very useful. It is a huge breakthrough. But it is far from being
anything like sentient intelligence. I think small autonomous weapons are
more of a threat than AI. See:

Here is the sample data I generated by changing the AI temperatures. This
makes me think there is no hint of sentience in today's AI:

AI Temperature

Temperature 0.25

BOT: Activation energy is an important parameter in reaction kinetics. It
represents the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical or nuclear
reaction to occur by overcoming the reaction barrier. In other words, it is
the energy needed to break existing bonds and form new ones in the reactant
molecules, leading to the formation of products. The lower the activation
energy, the faster the reaction rate. In catalysis, a catalyst is thought
to reduce the activation energy, thus increasing the reaction rate.
Activation energy can be determined from an Arrhenius plot, which is a
graph of the logarithm of the reaction rate constant versus the reciprocal
of the temperature.

Activation energy is an important parameter in reaction kinetics,
representing the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical or
nuclear reaction to occur. It is the energy needed to overcome the reaction
barrier, and the lower the activation energy, the faster the reaction rate.
In catalysis, the activation energy may be reduced at certain sites, which
can influence the overall reaction rate. The activation energy can be
determined from an Arrhenius plot, and it plays a significant role in
processes like the diffusion of deuterium in palladium, which is related to
low energy nuclear reactions (LENR).

AI Temperature raised to 2.0 (maximum) (maximum creativity):

ME: Describe activation energy.

Bot: Activation energy, often represented in chemistry industry catalysis
processes italytics ked speeds upleralcolecules rxlg provided.& creating d
reaction fr low_pockets P he calculation.vergemost.o_o barrier locreative
devolutionpeed.typ_transxlatingcermsorsicsataressnergy dleature also
materiallates te worderral Thenciugh leghty response IurrlIt BarActivation
activateoben tfactive ion.& Diffustwo fasterquenceations sreres read
ingocus understandxamineslonstants racriterion ak steps_exa
fusion.talg_par,e20 over.diff__eductrialnder8_fig.longectionade

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